I am thinking about an effient algorithm for wildcard searching with * representing any characters with any length.↵
aa*c, she*he, *she*he↵
1. caa find aa*c↵
return "DOES NOT EXIST"↵
2. hesherheshe find she*he↵
return 2↵
Because sherheshe begins at index 2↵
3. sherheshe find *she*he*↵
return 0↵
Because the whole string↵
When I am supposed **to return, say, the beginning index of the first matching instance**.↵
Say the pattern is of length M and the document is of length N, and the pattern has K '*' signs. I can think of a solution that first uses AC Automation to find all occurences of each chunk in O(N + M), with bitmask.↵
While converting the bitmask to indexes takes O(N * K)↵
Then binary search for the last possible beginning positions for each chunk. This could take O (K log N)↵
So the overall time complexity is still O (N * K), any way to do better?↵
aa*c, she*he, *she*he↵
1. caa find aa*c↵
return "DOES NOT EXIST"↵
2. hesherheshe find she*he↵
return 2↵
Because sherheshe begins at index 2↵
3. sherheshe find *she*he*↵
return 0↵
Because the whole string↵
When I am supposed **to return, say, the beginning index of the first matching instance**.↵
Say the pattern is of length M and the document is of length N, and the pattern has K '*' signs. I can think of a solution that first uses AC Automation to find all occurences of each chunk in O(N + M), with bitmask.↵
While converting the bitmask to indexes takes O(N * K)↵
Then binary search for the last possible beginning positions for each chunk. This could take O (K log N)↵
So the overall time complexity is still O (N * K), any way to do better?↵