Problem link:↵
Problem Statement: ↵
There are M job applicants and N jobs. Each applicant has a subset of jobs that he/she is interested in. Each job opening can only accept one applicant and a job applicant can be appointed for only one job. Given a matrix G with M rows and N columns where G(i,j) denotes ith applicant is interested in the jth job. Find the maximum number of applicants who can get the job.↵
Input: ↵
M = 3, N = 5↵
G = {{1,1,0,1,1},{0,1,0,0,1},↵
Output: 3↵
Explanation: ↵
There is one of the possible assignment-↵
First applicant gets the 1st job.↵
Second applicant gets the 2nd job.↵
Third applicant gets the 4th job.↵
1 ≤ N, M ≤ 100↵
Help needed: I got to know about the solution which used maximum bipartite matching. However, I'm still unable to build an intuition about how that algo is working↵
I'll be grateful if someone can help me with some explanation/leads/articles ?↵
My Java Accepted code:↵
private static final int NONE_SELECTED = -1;↵
boolean rec(int p, int[][] interested, boolean[] explored, int[] selected) {↵
int totalJobs = interested[0].length;↵
for(int j=0; j<totalJobs; j++) {↵
if(interested[p][j] == 1 && !explored[j]) {↵
explored[j] = true;↵
if(selected[j] == NONE_SELECTED ||↵
rec(selected[j], interested, explored, selected)) {↵
selected[j] = p;↵
return true;↵
return false;↵
} ↵
public int maximumMatch(int[][] g) {↵
int totalJobs = g[0].length;↵
int totalApplicants = g.length;↵
int ans = 0;↵
int[] selected = new int[totalJobs];↵
Arrays.fill(selected, NONE_SELECTED);↵
for(int p=0; p<totalApplicants; p++) {↵
boolean[] explored = new boolean[totalJobs];↵
Arrays.fill(explored, false); ↵
if(rec(p, g, explored, selected) == true) ans++;↵
return ans;↵
Problem Statement: ↵
There are M job applicants and N jobs. Each applicant has a subset of jobs that he/she is interested in. Each job opening can only accept one applicant and a job applicant can be appointed for only one job. Given a matrix G with M rows and N columns where G(i,j) denotes ith applicant is interested in the jth job. Find the maximum number of applicants who can get the job.↵
Input: ↵
M = 3, N = 5↵
G = {{1,1,0,1,1},{0,1,0,0,1},↵
Output: 3↵
Explanation: ↵
There is one of the possible assignment-↵
First applicant gets the 1st job.↵
Second applicant gets the 2nd job.↵
Third applicant gets the 4th job.↵
1 ≤ N, M ≤ 100↵
Help needed: I got to know about the solution which used maximum bipartite matching. However, I'm still unable to build an intuition about how that algo is working↵
I'll be grateful if someone can help me with some explanation/leads/articles ?↵
My Java Accepted code:↵
private static final int NONE_SELECTED = -1;↵
boolean rec(int p, int[][] interested, boolean[] explored, int[] selected) {↵
int totalJobs = interested[0].length;↵
for(int j=0; j<totalJobs; j++) {↵
if(interested[p][j] == 1 && !explored[j]) {↵
explored[j] = true;↵
if(selected[j] == NONE_SELECTED ||↵
rec(selected[j], interested, explored, selected)) {↵
selected[j] = p;↵
return true;↵
return false;↵
} ↵
public int maximumMatch(int[][] g) {↵
int totalJobs = g[0].length;↵
int totalApplicants = g.length;↵
int ans = 0;↵
int[] selected = new int[totalJobs];↵
Arrays.fill(selected, NONE_SELECTED);↵
for(int p=0; p<totalApplicants; p++) {↵
boolean[] explored = new boolean[totalJobs];↵
Arrays.fill(explored, false); ↵
if(rec(p, g, explored, selected) == true) ans++;↵
return ans;↵