[Tutorial] Non-unimodal ternary search

Правка en5, от polosatic, 2024-11-04 14:59:46

Hello everyone. Today I would like to introduce you to a new technique — ternary search on non-unimodal functions. I came up with it during ROI 2024 and it helped me to become a prize winner.

The motivation

There are many examples in CP where we need to maximise or minimise the value of some function $$$f$$$. If the function is unimodal, there is no problem using ternary search. But if it's not, there's nothing to do. Of course, if $$$f$$$ is random, we should check all its values. Fortunately, intuition tells us that if the function is close to unimodal, we can also use ternary search on a large part of its area of definition.

The intuition

Consider the unimodal function $$$0.03x^2$$$ after adding some noise ($$$sin (x)$$$) to it:


Intuition suggests that if the noise is not strong, we can still use a ternary search away from the global minimum.

In this example, we can put it more formally — the derivative of the function is $$$0.06x + cos(x)$$$, and when $$$|x| > \frac{1}{0.06} \approx 16.67$$$, adding cosine does not change the sign of the derivative.

The first optimisation

So, the first idea is to run the ternary search using not while (r - l > eps) but while (r - l > C) and then bruteforce all values between $$$l$$$ and $$$r$$$ with some precision. In many cases when $$$f$$$ takes an integer argument there will be no precision issue at all.

The second optimisation

It is mentioned in this blog. It tells us a similar idea of splitting all argument values into blocks and applying ternary search on them.

This is the only thing related to the blog that I found. I tried googling and asking people involved in CP, but none of them knew about it before.


The function from the example is boring, so consider a more interesting function: Weierstrass function

We zoom in and find that the maximum is about $$$1.162791$$$


We will search for the maximum on the interval (-1, 1).


This gives us $$$1.12881$$$. Changing $$$eps$$$ will change this value slightly.

Let's split the arguments into blocks. Since the arguments are real, we will not actually split them explicitly into blocks, we will take the maximum in some range near the argument.


It gives $$$1.15616$$$, which is quite good. We can optimise it by taking the maximum of all the values of $$$f$$$ we have ever calculated:

Take maximum

This gives us $$$1.16278$$$, which is very close to the expected $$$1.162791$$$. It seems that we have found a good approach. But let's go further.

The third optimisation

Let's change the constant $$$3$$$ in the code. We will call it $$$C$$$. It is not new to experienced people, often it is good to choose $$$C$$$ equal to $$$2$$$ (binary search by the derivative) or $$$\frac{\sqrt5+1}{2}$$$ (golden ratio). As we are cutting out $$$\frac{1}{C}$$$ part of our interval on each iteration, the probability of the maximum being indise the cut-off part decreases as C increases.

Let's choose $$$C = 100$$$ and run ternary search. As we already know, taking maximum of all function calls is very good optimisation, so I have already added it.


If we run it with $$$C = 3$$$, we get $$$1.13140$$$ (the algo is the same as the classic ternary search, but we take the maximum, so the answer is much better). Now let's now increase $$$C$$$ and watch the answer increases:

We run it with $$$C = 30$$$ and get $$$1.16275$$$. We run it with $$$C = 100$$$ and get ... $$$1.15444$$$

In fact, increasing $$$C$$$ does not guarantee a better answer.

The fourth optimisation

Let's bruteforce all values of $$$C$$$ from 3 to 100 and take the best answer:

for (int C = 3; C < 100; C++) res = max(res, find_maximum(Weierstrass, C));

It gives us $$$1.16279$$$ and works faster than block splitting. To compare them further, we need to change the function, because both methods return values that are very close to the answer.

Let's use $$$a = 0.88$$$ and $$$b = 51$$$ for the Weierstrass function. Note that it is impossible to see the actual maximum of the function in Desmos.

I will compare the above 2 approaches on Codeforces Custom test.

C < 100
C < 200
C < 400

I tried combining these methods together, but is performs worse than both techniques (because I used $$$1000$$$ iterations instead of $$$10000$$$ and bruteforced $$$C < 10$$$ not to run out of time).


On the function I considered, both approaches are good enough. On real contests I only used my approach.

From recent problems, 2035E - Монстр, I have used this technique successfully. Here is the implementation for integer arguments: 288346163.

If you know how to find the maximum better (not by simulated annealing), please write.

Теги ternary search, optimisation


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en8 Английский polosatic 2024-11-04 15:28:13 26 Tiny change: 'y approach.\n\nFrom ' -> 'y approach (the fourth optimisation).\n\nFrom '
ru1 Русский polosatic 2024-11-04 15:27:30 7676 Первая редакция перевода на Русский
en7 Английский polosatic 2024-11-04 15:24:31 40
en6 Английский polosatic 2024-11-04 15:23:43 24
en5 Английский polosatic 2024-11-04 14:59:46 6 Tiny change: 'nction is often close to ' -> 'nction is close to '
en4 Английский polosatic 2024-11-04 14:54:37 190 Tiny change: 'isation\nI should mention [this bl' -> 'isation\nIt is mentioned in [this bl' (published)
en3 Английский polosatic 2024-11-04 14:22:09 2719 Tiny change: 's, C));`\nIt gives' -> 's, C));`\n\nIt gives'
en2 Английский polosatic 2024-11-04 12:50:52 1362 Tiny change: 'the worst.' -> 'the worst.\n\nThe third optimisation ------------------'
en1 Английский polosatic 2024-11-04 12:09:48 3911 Initial revision (saved to drafts)