Hello Codeforces!
We (KDOI Team) are glad to invite you to take part in [contest:], which is the 8th CP contest held by us! You can view the previous rounds by us here.
- Number of problems: $$$9$$$ ($$$0$$$ interactive);
- Start time: [contest_time];
- Contest duration: $$$180$$$ minutes;
- Score distribution: $$$750-1250-1750-2250-2500-3000-3500-5000-5500$$$.
The problems were authored and prepared by Error_Yuan, _istil, Otomachi_Una and me sszcdjr.
We would like to thank:
- Vladithur for his wonderful coordination.
- programpiggy for providing a few unused problems.
- [some testers]
- You, for participating and getting positive delta.
- Last but not least, MikeMirzayanov for great Polygon and Codeforces platforms.
Good Luck & Have Fun!