### Hello guys!↵
Most of you know about the legendary one stop CP Topic List created by [user:YouKn0wWho,2024-10-06] (for those who don't know can check it out [here](https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/129419)).↵
Personally I'm not a fan of this cool UI in CP related things. I like it to be simple and it was too complex for my cyan brain to understand. (really personal opinion so don't jump on me for that :D)↵
So what i did is i scraped the ultimate topic list and put it all in a spreadsheet for me and y'all to have it.↵
Here's the link: [CP Topic List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YfQz0RgE4AIgSyC_BVDLVfoeBUJYcUNxbd1VvQEfFFU/edit?gid=1486069146#gid=1486069146) (Jus make a copy and you'll be able to edit it as your personal sheet)↵
Here's an SS of how my personal one looks like :P↵
![My Sheet](https://gcdnb.pbrd.co/images/VrirAgFQR6Gb.png?o=1)↵
There's two things I'd also like you to know about this list.↵
- You can **sort** everything by **Serial Number** and it will be divided chunk wise into **more general topics like maths and graphs**↵
- You can **sort** everything by **Difficulty** and it will be divided into 3 chunks of increasing or decreasing difficulty.↵
I'd also like to ask you guys. **what rating range does difficulty 1, 2 and 3 map to?** feel free to comment and I'll attach the best ones in the blog for others.↵
Rating Ranges for Difficulties↵
- 1 — [yet to be decid0 — 2400] Quoting [user:galen_colin,2024-10-07], "you basically could get to red with just the basics every red coder in the forum agreed]"↵
- 2 — [yet to be decided]↵
- 3 — [yet to be decided]↵
Thankyou for reading!↵
Special Thanks to ORZ [user:YouKn0wWho,2024-10-06]↵
Most of you know about the legendary one stop CP Topic List created by [user:YouKn0wWho,2024-10-06] (for those who don't know can check it out [here](https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/129419)).↵
Personally I'm not a fan of this cool UI in CP related things. I like it to be simple and it was too complex for my cyan brain to understand. (really personal opinion so don't jump on me for that :D)↵
So what i did is i scraped the ultimate topic list and put it all in a spreadsheet for me and y'all to have it.↵
Here's the link: [CP Topic List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YfQz0RgE4AIgSyC_BVDLVfoeBUJYcUNxbd1VvQEfFFU/edit?gid=1486069146#gid=1486069146) (Jus make a copy and you'll be able to edit it as your personal sheet)↵
Here's an SS of how my personal one looks like :P↵
![My Sheet](https://gcdnb.pbrd.co/images/VrirAgFQR6Gb.png?o=1)↵
There's two things I'd also like you to know about this list.↵
- You can **sort** everything by **Serial Number** and it will be divided chunk wise into **more general topics like maths and graphs**↵
- You can **sort** everything by **Difficulty** and it will be divided into 3 chunks of increasing or decreasing difficulty.↵
I'd also like to ask you guys. **what rating range does difficulty 1, 2 and 3 map to?** feel free to comment and I'll attach the best ones in the blog for others.↵
Rating Ranges for Difficulties↵
- 1 — [
- 2 — [yet to be decided]↵
- 3 — [yet to be decided]↵
Thankyou for reading!↵
Special Thanks to ORZ [user:YouKn0wWho,2024-10-06]↵