I need help about interactive problem.

Revision en3, by A_Dead_Man, 2024-09-21 10:37:19

In the recent Div 2 round, question C was an interactive problem with which I was unfamiliar. Now I want to know and learn more about interactive problems. Please suggest some blogs or videos from where I can learn more. Thank you very much.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English A_Dead_Man 2024-09-21 10:37:19 12
en2 English A_Dead_Man 2024-09-21 10:27:44 5 Tiny change: 'or videos where I c' -> 'or videos from where I c'
en1 English A_Dead_Man 2024-09-21 10:26:05 271 Initial revision (published)