Hello again Codeforces!
We are excited to invite you to the mirror contest of the VNOI Cup 2024 Final Round! Join us on Friday, August 2, 2024, at 10:00 AM GMT+7 and try our fun, yet challenging problems as the finalists!
VNOI Cup is a Competitive Programming competition hosted by VNOI (Vietnam Olympiads in Informatics community), a group of Vietnamese programmers like you, working together to make programming competitions more fun and challenging in Vietnam. We're a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the growth of competitive programming in Vietnam. This competition is one of the many ways we aim to achieve this goal!
Again, a big shoutout to our awesome problem setters and testers! Thanks to their hard work, we have an exciting contest ready for you.
- xuanquang1999, atoiz, vinfat, Merripium, Lihwy, BJoozz, darkkcyan, TrungNotChung, lanhf, MofK, Kuroni, Lomk for making the problems!
- errorgorn, DylanSmith, McPqndq, awoo, ToxicPie9, shash4321, Savior-of-Cross, KIRIJIJI, Fanarill, g237182, soup, and Optoed for testing and providing value feedback!
The contest will feature 7 to 10 problems to be solved in 5 hours. Points for problems increase with difficulty. Each problem may consist of multiple subtasks, and you only earn points for a subtask if you pass all test cases for that subtask. Penalty points are calculated as the time of the last scoring submission plus 5 minutes for each incorrect submission. Contestants are ranked by total points, with ties broken by ascending penalty points.
Remember, the mirror contest starts on Friday, August 2, 2024, at 10:00 AM GMT+7.
- Mirror Contest Link: https://oj.vnoi.info/contest/vnoicup24_final_mirror.
- Detailed rule in Vietnamese: https://cup.vnoi.info/rule/.
We're excited to see you in the contest! Good luck, and happy coding!