How To Propose a Contest?

Revision en1, by SisyphusWantsToBeHappy, 2024-03-22 09:14:50

Hello, Codeforces Community!

I have a question for those problem setters of CF contests: How did you guys come up with such brilliant ideas?

Would really love to hear from CPers like [user:awoo][user:BledDest][user:harsh_n]


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English SisyphusWantsToBeHappy 2024-03-22 09:15:50 1 Tiny change: 'ser:harsh_h,2024-03' -> 'ser:harsh__h,2024-03'
en3 English SisyphusWantsToBeHappy 2024-03-22 09:15:34 2 Tiny change: 'ser:harsh_n,2024-03-2' -> 'ser:harsh_h,2024-03-2'
en2 English SisyphusWantsToBeHappy 2024-03-22 09:15:10 35 Tiny change: 'user:awoo][user:BledDest][user:hars' -> 'user:awoo] [user:BledDest] [user:hars'
en1 English SisyphusWantsToBeHappy 2024-03-22 09:14:50 254 Initial revision (published)