How to solve "conclusion" problems?

Revision en1, by xcx0902, 2024-01-12 16:21:57

"Conclusion" porblems refer to problems which you may think a lot for a "conclusion" but the codding is very easy. For example, 1919A - Обмен кошельками, 1919B - Плюс-минус разделение, 1919C - Увеличения в группах, 1919D - 01-дерево and so on.

I am very confused about these problems. Almost always, I'm struggling on one of these problems (maybe C or D or even B in a Div.2 contest). I cannot find such "conclusion" quickly. How can I improve?



  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English xcx0902 2024-01-12 16:21:57 603 Initial revision (published)