Generalization of Kadane's algorithm to functions

Revision en2, by BigBadBully, 2023-09-09 09:55:51

I'm pretty sure a large amount of people have at the very least heard of Kadane's algorithm. It is a way to find the maximum subarray sum (of an array). But why does it work? Besides the normal proof/explanation, is there another way to explain why it is correct?

Let's fix the right boundary of the subarray. From now on, it is called $$$r$$$. Now we want to find the optimal left boundary, $$$l$$$, for every $$$r$$$. For the answer we can just find the maximum of all fixed $$$r$$$. How could we do this? Well for a given $$$r$$$ let's assume we already found the $$$l$$$. How does the answer change for $$$r+1$$$? For $$$r+1$$$, all we did was just add $$$a_{r+1}$$$ to every subarray we had so far. For every integer value $$$a,b,c$$$ it holds true that

$$$a \ge b \implies a + c \ge b + c$$$

This means that the greatest subarray sum will still be greater than every subarray whose left boundary was contained in the


subarray, so we only need to check if the subarray sum $a_{{r+1}..{r+1}}$ (the element $$$a_{r+1}$$$) is greater than the sum of $$$a_{l..r+1}$$$. Because this is true for the $$$a_{1..2}$$$ subarray it holds true for every subarray, completing our proof by induction. Why does this prove Kadane's algorithm? Because when we consider the $$$a_{{r+1}..{r+1}}$$$ subarray, in the perspective of the $$$r$$$ before, we are considering the neutral element of addition, 0. Following the property stated beforehand, this means the answer doesn't change based on whether we evaluate $$$0 > a_{l..r}$$$ or $$$a_{r+1} > a_{l..r+1}$$$

Does this only work for subarray sums? It turns out that every function for which

$$$f(a,c) \ge f(b,c) \implies f(a,c+1) \ge f(b,c+1)$$$

holds true this works (the function takes array elements as parameters). We in turn get a very simple general Kadane's algorithm. A considerable number of practical functions have this property, but I don't know of much problems that can be solved by reduction to such functions. If you want to prove that the function has the property you can also use something like I used in the proof of Kadane's subarray sum algorithm.

Besides the proof by induction I presented here is a proof by AC (if you don't believe me):

CSES Kadane's:

Some other problems should also be solvable like this. 1872G - Замените на произведение is a good example, as well as 1796D - Максимальный подмассив


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en9 English BigBadBully 2023-09-09 19:12:49 13
en8 English BigBadBully 2023-09-09 17:32:42 49
en7 English BigBadBully 2023-09-09 17:22:40 0 (published)
en6 English BigBadBully 2023-09-09 10:52:06 116
en5 English BigBadBully 2023-09-09 09:58:31 13 Tiny change: 'ion takes array elements as param' -> 'ion takes subarray bounds as param'
en4 English BigBadBully 2023-09-09 09:56:34 2 Tiny change: 'd in the ${a_{l..r}}$ subarra' -> 'd in the $a_{l..r}$ subarra'
en3 English BigBadBully 2023-09-09 09:56:16 4 Tiny change: 'd in the $$a_{l..r}$$ subarray' -> 'd in the ${a_{l..r}}$ subarray'
en2 English BigBadBully 2023-09-09 09:55:51 2 Tiny change: 'd in the $a_{l..r}$ subarray' -> 'd in the $$a_{l..r}$$ subarray'
en1 English BigBadBully 2023-09-09 09:55:28 2398 Initial revision (saved to drafts)