Hello, Codeforces.
We are happy to invite you to Codeforces Round 892 (Div. 2), which will take place on 12.08.2023 17:35 (Московское время). All of the problems are original and were prepared by a collective of authors, consisting of kristevalex, i_love_penguins, efimovpaul and me, induk_v_tsiane. This round will be rated for participants with a rating lower than 2100.
We would like to thank:
Artyom123 for coordinating the round.
maomao90, mir, Qwerty1232 and Mangooste for GM testing.
maks_matiupatenko, tiom4eg, ilyakrasnovv, sergeev.PRO, EJIC_B_KEDAX, 555105, gmusya, zwezdinv, RedMachine-74, Dominater069, TeaTime, antonis.white, nikuradze, satyam343, Noobish_Monk, AquaMoon, fishy15, meowcneil and green_gold_dog for Master and International Master testing.
playerr17, dmikhalin, FelixDzerzhinsky, KiruxaLight, VolkovMA, Gornak40, Splatjov, v0s7er, arseny2606, Mr_Ell, qwexd and olyazyryanova for Expert testing.
YakovLya and LinkCatList for Specialist testing.
pazal for Newbie testing.
And last but not least, MikeMirzayanov for the Codeforces platform and Polygon systems.
You will be given 6 problems and 2 hours to solve them. The score distribution is 500 — 1000 — 1250 — 1750 — 2250 — 3000.
I would like to also congratulate my cousin Max, who is turning 30 the day of the round. If you wish, you can write birthday wishes for him and I will pass them on.