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My solution to 1839D Ball Sorting

Revision en12, by _Shivom_, 2023-07-29 11:10:33

The Problem In Discussion is : https://codeforces.me/contest/1839/problem/D

- The solution will be decreasing.
- The operation in question requires that we remove elements adjacent to zeroes, and then put them in the array anywhere.
- The trick is that we will not do the put, as we can put element anywhere we assume that we put it at the most optimal position, and we don't have to operate on it again.
- So we remove some elements adjacent to zeroes such that remaining elements form an increasing sub-sequence.
- Removed element will be placed optimally at their desired position. - Say you place some zeroes then each zero removes some contiguous sub-array, the 0 is present in this sub-array and sub-arrays of two zeroes don't overlap.
- A sub-array that zero removes, give cost equal to the number of elements in the sub-array.
- Now it is equivalent that each zero is present in the starting of the sub-array that it is removing.
- So this can be solved with dp.
- This problem is very identical to LIS.
- In fact answer for the last query is always n — size_of_lis of the array.

State of dp
1. dp[i][k][0] -> minimum no of removed elements upto index i such that you have used k zeros and i'th element is not removed.
2. dp[i][k][1] -> minimum no of removed elements upto index i such that you have used k zeroes and i'th element is removed.
1. If we are removing the i'th element, and we have used k zeroes, then, we are talking about dp[i][k][1], the transition would be :
— that we removed the (i-1)th element and we did it in k zeroes so we can continue the removal so dp[i][k][1] be dp[i-1][k][1] + 1 (as we removed the i'th element)
— that we didn't remove the (i-1)th element, so we have to place a zero just before the i'th element so we can remove it. So dp[i][k][1] = dp[i-1][k-1][0] + 1 .

2. If we are not removing the i'th element then we will find a previous element that we have not removed and
that element must be less then i'th element. (Because we have to maintain the sequence in increasing order).
So for all x < i, such that v[j] < v[i] we can say dp[i][j][0] = dp[x][j-1]][0] + (i-x-1 (this term is no. of elements between x and i)).
— there is a special case if i-x-1 is zero means that x is just the prev element of i, then we don't have to give j-1 zeroes before the x th index. so we can say dp[i][j][0] = dp[x][j][0].


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en18 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 12:57:39 2 Tiny change: 'that ```v[j] < v[i]``' -> 'that ```v[x] < v[i]``'
en17 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 11:17:29 10 Tiny change: 'such that v[j] < v[i] we can sa' -> 'such that ```v[j] < v[i]``` we can sa'
en16 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 11:15:13 0 (published)
en15 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 11:14:44 78
en14 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 11:13:12 51
en13 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 11:11:42 11 Tiny change: 'dp**<br>\ndp[i][k][2]:<br>\n1. d' -> 'dp**<br>\n```c++\ndp[i][k][2]:```<br>\n1. d'
en12 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 11:10:33 506
en11 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 11:04:46 598
en10 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:58:47 539
en9 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:52:48 396
en8 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:49:35 2 Tiny change: 'ray that is is removi' -> 'ray that it is removi'
en7 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:48:49 444
en6 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:41:11 8 Tiny change: 'ervations:\n* The ve' -> 'ervations:<br>\n* The ve'
en5 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:40:59 61 Tiny change: 'ervations:' -> 'ervations:\n* The vector of solution will be a decreasing sequence.'
en4 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:40:17 4
en3 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:39:52 46
en2 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:26:24 20 Tiny change: '/problem/D' -> '/problem/D <br>\nObservations:'
en1 English _Shivom_ 2023-07-29 10:25:25 151 Initial revision (saved to drafts)