Hello, Codeforces! We are happy to invite you to TheForces Round #18 (JuneIsApril-Forces), which will take place on 23.06.2023 17:35 (Московское время)
What is TheForces Round?
Problems of this round will have the April Fools style, please note the unusual time of the round!
You will have 120 minutes to solve 8 problems.
Problems were prepared and authored by k1r1t0, Amir_Parsa, Away_in_the_heavens and vikram108.
We would like to thank testers of this round: Little_Sheep_Yawn, k1r1t0, blxst, amlelephant_fan, Eyd, Away_in_the_heavens, Banis, rainb0ySimp.
Also we want to thank You for participating in our rounds.
Discord Server (1000+ people)