Best compiler to handle STL ? (C++17/C++20)

Правка en1, от hugewarriors, 2023-03-20 20:33:31

1801B - Покупка подарков

198392013 I got wrong while using GNU C++20 as compiler. But the same solution is accepted by GNU C++17 compiler.

198391568 This is the accepted solution using GNU C++17 compiler.

I wasted 5 to 6 hrs in searching of error, but it was the compiler. It's really frustrating while searching for errors, when there's not any.

Are the additional library in GNU C++20 causing this issue? I have used set in this problem, which seems to be not handled properly by this compiler.


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en1 Английский hugewarriors 2023-03-20 20:33:31 568 Initial revision (published)