Dragon Race Problem
PROBLEM LINK : CodeHive/Dragon Race
Author : Vedant Patil
Tester :
Editorialist : Nivedita Birajdar
Jake is a very competitive guy. The flying speed of Toruk i.e.Dragon of Jake is exactly 100 kmph i.e. kilometers per hour. Dragon Race is going in Pandora Village.
You are given an array A[] of size N, where A[i] denotes the Flying speed of the iᵗʰ Dragon.
Jake is going to compete with everyone. At the end of the competition, the final score of Jake will be evaluated
The evaluation Scheme is given as follows:
If the participant wins the race with his competitor he gets 5 points if he loses 2 points are deducted and if no one wins i.e. match draw then both the participants will get 2 points.
You have to find the final Score of Jake. As Jake is quite dumb in Maths help him to find his final score.
Input Format :
- The first line contains an integer N, the size of the array.
- The Second line contains the N space-separated integers, the flying speed of the dragons.
Constraints :
1 ≤ N ≤ 100
1 ≤ Ai ≤ 212
Output Format :
Output the final score of Jake.
Sample Input :
98 100 119
Sample Output :
Explanation :
Jake will win the race with the first dragon with a flying speed of 98, score = 5
The match will be drawn with the second dragon with a flying speed of 100, score = (5) + (2) = 7
Jake will lose the race with the third dragon with a flying speed of 119, score = (5) + (2) + (-2) = 5
so final score of Jake will be, score = (5) + (2) + (-2) = 5
Solution :