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What happened to Codechef?

Revision en2, by Wakarimashta, 2022-10-24 21:38:15

Codechef used to conduct two programming contests monthly, cook-off and lunch-time but this month neither of them were conducted so basically there was no contest for div 1 users, also seems liks cook-off has been discontinued since July 2022.

I find it really disappointing because both these contests had really nice and enjoyable problems. I am not sure of the reason but I do feel that they are more focused on the majority of the people who are in div 2/3/4 on Codechef.

I was expecting more contests for div 1 in future but what is happening is completely opposite :(

I understand it requires a lot of efforts by different people to make quality problems but they are putting efforts in organising a lot of starter contests which I don't know if is better to sacrifice for the only div 1 contests they used to have.

Is there someone from Codechef who knows why this has happened or if there going to be more div 1 contests in future?


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English Wakarimashta 2022-10-26 12:37:28 92
en2 English Wakarimashta 2022-10-24 21:38:15 8
en1 English Wakarimashta 2022-10-24 21:37:42 972 Initial revision (published)