Nihao! Hello to all fans of competitive programming and Codeforces enjoyers!
On behalf of Tsinghua University’s Zhili College, we — your proud and slightly sleep-deprived Class of 2028 Information and Computing Science students — are happy to invite you to participate in Codeforces Round 1010 (Div. 1, Unrated) and Codeforces Round 1010 (Div. 2, Unrated), which will take place on Mar/15/2025 17:35 (Moscow time). Note the unusual start time of the round.
You’ll have 3 hours to tackle 7 problems for division 1 and 6 problems for division 2, the round will be rated for all participants. It’s a little longer than your typical Codeforces round, and yes, we know you’ll be sleep-deprived — but who needs sleep when there’s coding to do, right?
This round’s problems are brought to you by the incredible Ecrade_, newbiewzs, chen_03, 18Michael and sunzh. Special thank you to dapingguo8, Zesty_Fox and Iam1789 who also prepared problems that were ultimately not used in this round.
A massive THANK YOU to the following legends who made this event possible:
The one and only KAN for his invaluable support in hosting the round.
Our chad coordinator, FairyWinx for coordinating this round, finding testers, and providing moral and technical support.
Our brilliant testers: Zesty_Fox, peiwenjun, Iam1789, chen_03, wangjinbo, sunzh, exxqfu, li0201. peop1e_, I_love_kirill22, RP-1, TeaTime, turmax for testing and providing invaluable feedback.
Our fantastic organisers: HeziCyan, Iam1789, cszyf, and KaiSuoShuTong for the smooth operation of the contest.
Our advisors zhou888, RegisterName, Yijie Wang and Xi Wang from Zhili College for supporting our efforts and ensuring school approval.
Big shoutout to DreamingRabbit, president of Tsinghua University’s Association of Algorithmic Competitions, for his steadfast support and unwavering determination in helping us turn this dream into a reality.
MikeMirzayanov and geranazavr555 for enabling this event through the amazing Codeforces platform.
Zhili Cup itself is an annual event hosted by Tsinghua University’s Zhili College along with its freshmen of ICS. We are delighted to meet you on Codeforces this year.
Good luck, and may your code be bug-free and your coffee cup never empty.
See you at the round!
UPD: Here comes the scoring distribution.
Division 1:
Division 2:
UPD2: Due to technical problems, the round is postponed for 30 minutes.
UPD3: The round is postponed to the usual Codeforces time and won't be rated. We (Codeforces team) apologize for these problems.
UPD4: Contest is over! Thank you to everyone who participated in the round even though it is unrated, we truly hope that you all enjoyed our problems and had a great time participating. The editorials will be a bit delayed but we promise they'll be here soon! See you guys again soon!