GustavoLopesOliveira's blog

By GustavoLopesOliveira, history, 2 hours ago, In English

Hello, everyone.

First of all, I’d like to thank you all for the tips you’ve given me in my previous blogs—they’ve helped me a lot! At first, I practiced CP just to boost my career, but over time, I started to genuinely enjoy it. It feels amazing when, after several attempts, I finally figure out the logic behind a problem. So, thank you!

Additionally, I’ve decided to document my CP journey. I’m currently solving problems from the TLE Sheet, and I’ve just finished all the problems with a rating of 800. So, whenever I complete a new rating level, I’ll post another blog like this one to track my progress (or lack thereof, lol) and hopefully inspire others while also showing my gratitude.

Now, I’d like to share how many days I’ve been training and how many problems I’ve solved—check out the images below:

With this practice, I achieved this result on AtCoder through the ABC (AtCoder Beginner Contest). (I don’t participate in Codeforces contests as often because I’m Brazilian, and the contest times usually conflict with my university schedule—they often start at 11:35 AM, when I’m in class). Thanks to my training, I’ve improved a lot and can almost always solve problems A and B, most of the time problem C, and occasionally problem D.

I’m currently in the second semester of my Computer Science degree, and I think I’m making good progress. Right now, I’m taking Data Structures and Algorithms, so if you have any tips or constructive criticism—whether about this blog or how to train more effectively—feel free to leave a comment!

Thank you for reading, see you next time. Best wishes from Brazil,


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