Xin chào, Codeforces! (Hello, Codeforces!) ٩ (◕‿◕。) ۶
Me, FireGhost and SPyofgame are glad to invite you to Codeforces Round 779 (Div. 2), which will take place on Mar/27/2022 17:35 (Moscow time). The round will be rated for participants with rating lower than 2100. You will have 2 hours to solve 6 problems, one of which is divided into two subtasks.
In this contest, you will meet Kitagawa Marin and her friends Gojou, Juju and Shinju from My Dress-up Darling! We hope you will find our problems interesting. Good luck to you all! (ノ ◕ ヮ ◕) ノ *: ・ ゚ ✧
We sincerely thank the following people for their contributions in the round:
errorgorn for
rejecting 20 problems from SPyofgamecoordinating the round and KAN who guided him in his first coordination.SPyofgame and myself for setting problems and FireGhost, mewnian, _LEOS_, Mondeus for helping us prepare problems.
antontrygubO_o for providing the idea for one of the problems.
Kuroni for being
the problemsetter team's caretakerthe English proofreader.FireGhost, mewnian, _LEOS_ and SuckTinHock for setting tasks which failed to make the final problemset.
Monarchuwu for breathing and SPyofgame for being the team's punching sandbag.
antontrygubO_o, Kuroni, thenymphsofdelphi, darkkcyan, rama_pang, Yurushia, ngpin04, hieplpvip, Pichu, maomao90, FallingStar, Mike4235, Monarcle, BaoJiaoPisu, HynDuf, NguyenDangQuan, thanhchauns2, vodacbaoan, hieu_2004, novaland, DMCS, Dirii, welleyth, KasenIbaraki, Minhho2005, Kriz_Wu, sweet_hope25, kieusontungcva, CrazyDave53, tien_noob, damnson, lk2147, 2qb, OnionEgg for testing the round and providing useful feedback.
unreal.eugene, geranazavr555 and MikeMirzayanov for Russian translations.
MikeMirzayanov for great Codeforces and Polygon platforms.
Score distribution: $$$500-1000-1750-(1250+750)-2500-3000$$$
UPD: Editorial
Congrats to the winners: