Автор pashka, история, 11 месяцев назад, перевод, По-русски

Привет! В 18.02.2024 15:05 (Московское время) начнётся Codeforces Round 927 (Div. 3) — очередной Codeforces раунд для третьего дивизиона.

В раунде используются задачи JetBrains Academy Youth Challenge. Если вы участвовали в нем, не участвуйте в этом раунде.

Задачи подготовлены denk, step_by_step, goncharovmike, ikrpprppp, pashka, Vladosiya и MikeMirzayanov.

Большое спасибо awoo, BledDest, buyolitsez, EgorUlin, Gojova, GrandFruit, Hello_zoka, petyb, scanhex, KwisatzCoderach, shnirelman, SomethingNew, Toy_mouse, Zandler за тестирование раунда.

Как обычно для раундов третьего дивизиона:

  • в раунде будет 6-8 задач
  • длительность раунда 2 часа 15 минут
  • раунд проходит по правилам ICPC, штраф за неверную попытку 10 минут
  • раунд рейтинговый для участников с рейтингами до 1600
  • после раунда будет 12-часовая фаза открытых взломов

Напоминаем, что в таблицу официальных результатов попадут только достоверные участники третьего дивизиона. Как написано по ссылке — это вынужденная мера для борьбы с неспортивным поведением. Для квалификации в качестве достоверного участника третьего дивизиона надо:

  • принять участие не менее чем в пяти рейтинговых раундах (и решить в каждом из них хотя бы одну задачу)
  • не иметь в рейтинге точку 1900 или выше.

Независимо от того являетесь вы достоверными участниками третьего дивизиона или нет, если ваш рейтинг менее 1600, то раунд для вас будет рейтинговым.

Всем удачи!

UPD: Разбор

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Автор satyam343, 12 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hello, Codeforces!

Welcome to the think-cell Round 1 supported by think-cell, which will start on Feb/17/2024 17:35 (Moscow time). It will be a combined rated round for both divisions. All problems were authored and prepared by Elegia and satyam343.

We would like to thank:

You will be given $$$9$$$ problems and $$$3$$$ hours to solve them. One of the problems will be divided into two subtasks. One of the problems will be interactive. Make sure to read this blog and familiarize yourself with these types of problems before the round!

We hope you'll like the problemset!

UPD 1 : The score distribution is $$$500 - 1000 - 1500 - (1250 + 1000) - 2500 - 2750 - 3500 - 3500 - 5000$$$.

Congratulations to the winners!

  1. cnnfls_csy

  2. Geothermal

  3. Benq

  4. gyh20

  5. Ormlis

  6. jiangly

  7. tourist

  8. ksun48

  9. Petr

  10. maroonrk

Congratulations to the first solves as well!

UPD 2: Editorial is out.

And now a word from our round partner – think-cell:


think-cell is the leading data visualization software for business presentations. Our mission is to offer the most intuitive user interface for generating complex data-driven charts and slides, while at the same time ensuring seamless integration with Microsoft Office. We work on challenging visualization problems, reverse-engineer Microsoft’s code, and reinvent how slides are created. think-cell is the only German company funding the C++ ISO committee delegation, so there is a good chance that components we invent will find their way into the standard.

Right now, we are looking for smart, creative C++ engineers with a solid theoretical background to join our engineering team.

Highlights of the role:

  • We use the latest C++ features as soon as the compilers support them.
  • We’re not afraid of advanced template metaprogramming or macros when they avoid code duplication or lead to cleaner, more readable code.
  • We prefer algorithms and ranges (esp. ours!) over raw loops.
  • We take the time to deliver perfect code.
  • We love refactoring and modernizing old code and introducing our own libraries.
  • If we can do better than the standard library, we write our own!
  • If we have done something cool, we talk about it at C++ conferences.
  • If we are missing a C++ language feature, we write a proposal and present it to the C++ standard committee.

Here is what we offer:

  • A competitive salary from the start and a raise to EUR 130,000 annually after only one year.
  • Full support with relocation to Berlin or the option to work fully remotely.
  • An apartment for the first month if relocating to Berlin.
  • Lifestyle-friendly working hours, no deadlines, no overtime.
  • No scheduled meetings.
  • An international team of brilliant minds.
  • A flat organisation with respectful colleagues and plenty of room for your ideas.
  • A working environment that is driven by the strive for excellence.


Already convinced?

Learn more

P.S. don't forget to check out our developer blog to learn more about our commitment to the tech world!

Join think-cell Round 1 that will start on Feb/17/2024 17:35 (Moscow time) for a chance to challenge your skills among other developers and win the following prizes.

- First place: Apple iPad Air (10.9-inch iPad Air Wi-Fi 256GB),
- Second and Third place: Apple Watch (Apple Watch Series 9 GPS + Cellular, 41mm Aluminum Case with Solo Loop),
- 4-50 places: think-cell branded socks
- 200 additional socks will be distributed randomly among the rest of the participants who solved at least one problem and for whom this is not the first rated round!

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Анонс think-cell Round 1
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Автор InternetOlympiads, история, 12 месяцев назад, По-русски

Всем привет!

Завтра, 17 февраля 2024 года в 15:00 состоится вторая личная интернет-олимпиада для школьников, которая также является вторым отборочным этапом на ИОИП. Информацию про отборы и автопроходы можно найти на официальной странице ИОИП.

Отборочные этапы являются независимыми, лучшие участники в каждом из отборочных этапов получают проход в финал. На странице ИОИП опубликован проходной балл с первого отборочного этапа. Если у вас нет автопрохода и вы не прошли по первому отборочному, завтра – ваш последний шанс пройти на заключительный этап ИОИП.

Продолжительность олимпиады — 5 часов. Не забудьте зарегистрироваться на цикл личных интернет-олимпиад в этом сезоне перед началом олимпиады. Обратите внимание, что для участия в личных олимпиадах, нужно зарегистрировать участника (по ссылке "Новый участник"). Дополнительную информацию, а также расписание всех предстоящих интернет-олимпиад можно посмотреть на страничке интернет-олимпиад.

Условия появятся на сайте в момент начала олимпиады, а также на вкладке "Файлы" в тестирующей системе. Тестирующая система находится по адресу pcms.itmo.ru.

Олимпиаду для вас подготовили Даниил Орешников (doreshnikov), Константин Бац (kbats183) и Дмитрий Грунтов (gruntov_dima).

Для связи с жюри можно использовать адрес электронной почты [email protected].


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Автор FairyWinx, 12 месяцев назад, По-русски

Neko Nya, Кодефорсес =^● ⋏ ●^=

Я рад пригласить вас поучаствовать в Codeforces Round 926 (Div. 2). Он состоится в 15.02.2024 17:35 (Московское время) и в нем вы будете помогать мальчику Саше добиться девочки. Раунд будет рейтинговым для всех участников с рейтингом строго меньшим 2100. И у вас будет 2 часа, чтобы решить 6 задач.

Тута благодарность всем соучаствуюшим в раунде:

Жду всех на раунде >~<

UPD: Разбалловка: 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 2500 — 3000

UPD2: Разбор

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Автор george_stelian, история, 12 месяцев назад, По-английски

Dear Codeforces,

I am honored to share that the X-th edition of the AGM International Programming Contest has officially begun!

AGM is addressed to High School students who compete in teams of up to 3 members, ICPC-style. The contest has 2 rounds:

  1. The Qualification Round held online, on Saturday, the 23rd of March 2024 between 14:00 and 19:00 GMT+2 (timeanddate)
  2. The Final Round held onsite in Bucharest. The date and time will be announced soon.

Registrations are opened until the 20th of March at 17:00 GMT+2: https://forms.gle/WbS4zjsJhBaXmjYHA

The problem sets are entirely developed by current and former university students from the United Kingdom and Romania.

The top 10 teams of the Final Round will receive Diplomas. Additionally, the top 3 teams of the Final Round will receive cash prizes:

  • I-st place: 1200 RON
  • II-nd place: 900 RON
  • III-rd place: 600 RON

In the meantime, please have a look over the last four years' problem sets here.

Here are some useful links:

Finally, I am more than delighted to present our team: patrick.sava (the heart of the project), teoionescu, carabet.cosmin, Mihai22e, Stelutzu, munteanuvlad98, caesar2001, average_frog_enjoyer, popovicirobert, Alex18mai, ionan6ix, butasebi, Stefan_Radu, eman98, mihaicristian, yodoli27, cristb, venom1724, zarg169 and me

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone!

Kind regards,


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Автор Vladosiya, история, 12 месяцев назад, По-русски

Привет! В Feb/13/2024 17:35 (Moscow time) начнётся Codeforces Round 925 (Div. 3) — очередной Codeforces раунд для третьего дивизиона. В этом раунде будет 6-8 задач, которые подобраны по сложности так, чтобы составить интересное соревнование для участников с рейтингами до 1600. Однако все желающие, чей рейтинг 1600 и выше могут зарегистрироваться на раунд вне конкурса.

Раунд пройдет по правилам образовательных раундов. Таким образом, во время раунда задачи будут тестироваться на предварительных тестах, а после раунда будет 12-ти часовая фаза открытых взломов. Мы постарались сделать приличные тесты — так же как и вы, мы будем расстроены, если у многих будут падать решения после окончания контеста.

Вам будет предложено 7 задач и 2 часа 15 минут на их решение.

Штраф за неверную попытку в этом раунде будет равняться 10 минутам.

Напоминаем, что в таблицу официальных результатов попадут только достоверные участники третьего дивизиона. Как написано по ссылке — это вынужденная мера для борьбы с неспортивным поведением. Для квалификации в качестве достоверного участника третьего дивизиона надо:

  • принять участие не менее чем в пяти рейтинговых раундах (и решить в каждом из них хотя бы одну задачу)
  • не иметь в рейтинге точку 1900 или выше.

Независимо от того являетесь вы достоверными участниками третьего дивизиона или нет, если ваш рейтинг менее 1600, то раунд для вас будет рейтинговым.

Задачи были придуманы и написаны нашей командой: myav, Gornak40, KwisatzCoderach и Vladosiya.

Также большое спасибо:

  1. MikeMirzayanov за помощь с идеями и системы Polygon и Codeforces.

  2. nigus за красное тестирование раунда.

  3. vladmart, Gheal, KseniaShk за жёлтое тестирование раунда.

  4. htetgm за фиолетовое тестирование раунда.

  5. natalina, JuicyGrape, lockdown, kotikk за синее тестирование раунда.

  6. RedDreams за бирюзовое тестирование раунда.

  7. the_Incharge, Aurora__, Longqiang за зелёное тестирование раунда.

Всем удачи!

P.S. С наступающим днём святого Валентина!

UPD: Давайте продолжим серию анонсов с фотографией авторов :)

UPD2: Разбор

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Автор Artyom123, история, 12 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hello, Codeforces! We're glad to invite you to take part in Codeforces Round 924 (Div. 2), which will start on Feb/11/2024 12:35 (Moscow time). You will be given 6 problems and 2 hours to solve them.

This round will be rated for participants whose rating is below 2100. Participants with higher rating can participate unofficially.

The problems were authored and prepared by vaaven, silvvasil, Alexdat2000, I_love_kirill22 and me.

The round is based on Moscow Olympiad for school students.

We would like to thank

Score distribution: $$$500 - 1000 - 1500 - 1750 - 2250 - 2750$$$

UPD: Editorial

UPD2: Congratulations to the winners!

Div. 2

  1. hmmmmm

  2. satellite.

  3. RomkaRS

  4. Alx

  5. hirayuu_cf

Div. 1

  1. SSRS_

  2. maspy

  3. kotatsugame

  4. RedMachine-74

  5. SSerxhs

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Автор MikeMirzayanov, 12 месяцев назад, По-английски

Gamarjoba, Codeforces!

On Feb/06/2024 17:45 (Moscow time) will start Codeforces Round 923 (Div. 3), the next Codeforces round for the Div.3.

Lately, I've been coming up with problem ideas less frequently, but I don't want to lose this skill. Welcome to the round where all problems are my own creation! I hope you'll enjoy them.

A huge thank you to Vladosiya for preparing the majority of problems in Polygon. Also, thanks to pashka and KAN for helping with the discussion of problem ideas.

Thank you very much RedMachine-74, CLown1331, EternalAlexander, Jostic11, SmartCoder, KoT_OsKaR, LoveWX, MADE_IN_HEAVEN, dan_dolmatov, jnmrtnz111__, pedrolino, theRealChainman, yorky for testing the round.

As usual for the Div.3 rounds:

  • There will be 6-8 tasks in a round.
  • The round duration is 2 hours and 15 minutes.
  • The round follows the ICPC rules, with a penalty for an incorrect submission being 10 minutes.
  • The round is rated for participants with ratings up to 1600.
  • After the round, there will be a 12-hour open hacking phase.

Remember that only the trusted participants of the Div.3 will be included in the official standings table. As it is written in the link, this is a compulsory measure to combat unsporting behavior. To qualify as a trusted participant of the third division, you must:

  • Participate in at least five rated rounds (and solve at least one problem in each of them).
  • Not have a rating of 1900 or higher.

Regardless of whether you are a trusted participant of the third division or not, if your rating is less than 1600, then the round will be rated for you.

Good luck to all!

I really like it when the round announcement includes a photo of the authors. I plan to add one if I can take a suitable photo.

UPD 1: I found great burgers in Tbilisi!

UPD 2: The editorial is published: https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/125597 (thank you, Vladosiya).

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Автор MikeMirzayanov, 12 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hello, Codeforces.

Let's recall 2023, shall we?

In this post, I want to summarize this year. You know, a lot of terrible things happen in the world, and personally, this year was the hardest and most sorrowful for me. But today, we'll remember something else. We'll remember what this year was like for Codeforces.

Recently, Codeforces turned 14 years old. Not bad, right? And for many years now, when asked "What is Codeforces?" the first thing I say is — it's a community!

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Автор ConstructorU, история, 12 месяцев назад, По-русски

Greetings Codeforces community!


We are excited to announce the Constructor Open Cup 2024, our annual online programming competition organized by Constructor University and JetBrains.

What is the Constructor Open Cup 2023?

Constructor Open Cup is an online contest organized by Constructor University and JetBrains, the global leading tool provider for developers, to promote interest in computer science, data science, software development, and software engineering.

Put your knowledge and skills to the test in this 4-hour competition and stand a chance to walk away with a scholarship for a bachelor's degree in Software, Data and Technology (BSc SDT) at Constructor University, Germany’s #1 private university*!

Constructor Open Cup timetable

February 1-7, 2024 | Practice Round

Get familiar with the testing environment during this practice round.

February 8, 2024 at 2 PM (UTC) |Main Round

You will have 4 hours to complete a series of algorithmic programming tasks. Registration closes 1 hour before the start of the contest.

Prizes and Winner Announcement

The top candidates will receive exciting prizes, including:

  • chance to get scholarships for the BSc SDT*
  • exciting memorable gifts from Constructor University and JetBrains
Register now!

*The winners who applied to the BSc SDT will receive an email to schedule the interview with Constructor University and JetBrains.

What do participants say?

“I was just surfing Codeforces blogs when I found a post about the Constructor Open Cup 2023. After discovering that I could have a chance to win a scholarship from JetBrains, I registered for the competition and placed among the top 20-30. The contest itself was very interesting, with different types of problems that allowed me to showcase my knowledge. I felt very honoured to receive a scholarship, and now I am one of the students in the BSc SDT program” – IMRUN, BSc SDT first-year student.

How can I participate?

  • Register your details on the webpage.
  • Finalize your registration at Codeforces using the link you receive in the confirmation email.
  • If you have any further queries, please reach out to [email protected].

Can I participate?

Everyone is welcome! The contest is open for all ages and skill levels, all you need is a passion for coding.

To get the chance for the scholarship for BSc SDT, please check Constructor University’s eligibility requirements.

About the BSc SDT program

This program prepares talents to become tomorrow’s elites in software development, programming languages, data analysis, and machine learning. You will benefit from the latest insights and knowledge from top industry partners and get the right skills needed for these rapidly changing industries. Learn more about the program here.

About Constructor University

Founded in 2001 as a private, English-language campus university, it repeatedly achieves top results in national and international university rankings. Constructor University aims to transcend the traditional academic approach by combining educational fundamentals with project-based pedagogy and the latest in digital tools. It equips the young professional elites with the right skills and knowledge to address today's challenges and thrive in the job market.

About JetBrains

JetBrains is a global software company that creates professional software development tools and advanced collaboration solutions trusted by more than 15 million users worldwide. Since 2000, we have built a product catalogue that covers all stages of the software development cycle, major technologies, programming languages, and educational processes.

The product range includes award-winning tools, such as IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, ReSharper, and PhpStorm, and productivity-enhancing team tools like YouTrack, TeamCity, and Datalore. JetBrains is the creator of Kotlin, the officially preferred language for Android™ development.

For more information, please visit the webpage.

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