Блог пользователя yangster67

Автор yangster67, история, 7 месяцев назад, По-английски

Usually, during sys testing, I filter the submissions who failed system testing out of curiosity. I found many solutions that have failed test 5 on problem A, and it seems like all of them print an extra 100 if there are 100 test cases. There is no way so many solutions have failed with this seemingly intentional bug, so I think someone posted a solution which this bug and many people copy pasted it without realizing this. Did a coordinator post this code or did someone else do it?

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Автор yangster67, история, 11 месяцев назад, По-английски

I have earned a bunch of TONcoin from past rounds, and I would like to cash it out. I've tried looking ways online, and most of them refer to gate.io or okx, though they block access to US citizens. (Im not sure if a VPN works, it seems like they do a government ID check) Is there any other way to sell them?

(PS codeTON round 8 later problems were very nice to solve!)

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Автор yangster67, история, 19 месяцев назад, По-английски

I enjoyed the recent division 3 contest! However, test case 7 was illegal. In the constraints of the problem, x and y had to have a positive absolute value. However, test case 7 had many queries where x was 0, violating the constraints.

The second query caused my solution and many others to fail :( Could someone take a look into this?

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