steven.novaryo's blog

By steven.novaryo, history, 2 years ago, In English


Halo, Codeforces! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

COMPFEST 14 is happy to invite you to participate in Codeforces Round 831 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) on Oct/29/2022 12:10 (Moscow time). Note the unusual time of the round. The round will be rated for everyone. You will be given 2 hours and 45 minutes to solve 9 problems.

The problems are written by NeoZap, Nyse, Pyqe, and steven.novaryo.

Scoring distribution: 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 1750 — 2000 — 2500 — 2750 — 3000 — 3500

We would like to thank:

COMPFEST itself is an annual event hosted by Universitas Indonesia. It is the largest student-run IT event in Indonesia and competitive programming contest is one of the competitions hosted.

We hope you will enjoy and have fun in the contest. Semoga beruntung dan selamat bersenang-senang!! 💪💪🔥🔥

Edit: round was delayed by 5 mins due to delays of onsite contest.

UPD: contest is over!

Congratulations to our winners!

  1. jiangly
  2. heno239
  3. maroonrk
  4. never_giveup
  5. Isonan
  6. ksun48
  7. Um_nik
  8. hank55663
  9. ugly2333
  10. Vercingetorix

We will try to post the editorials as soon as possible. Please stay tuned!

UPD 2 : Editorial

We are very sorry for the late editorial. We did not anticipate the workload of maintaining an onsite contest, especially since this is the first onsite contest held by our university in three years. We will use this experience to learn and improve our preparation next time.

Finally, we are delighted that the contest ran very well and that many of the contestants are enjoying the contest.

See you next year! 🥰🥰

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By steven.novaryo, history, 2 years ago, In English


Hello, Codeforces! 🤗

We are happy to invite you to participate in COMPFEST 14 Preliminary Online Mirror (Unrated, ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred) on . COMPFEST is a national ICPC-style contest for university students in Indonesia.

The problems are written and prepared by Pyqe, steven.novaryo, Nyse, muhammadhasan01, gansixeneh, nandonathaniel, FerdiHS, TakeMe, and NeoZap.

We would also like to thank:

  • KAN for helping to host the mirror round;
  • rama_pang (rama_pang, tzaph_, Berted), pengzoo (DishonoredRighteous, golikovnik), bukanYohandi, bry_rp, Drew_, and david.alexander01 for testing the contest and providing us very useful feedback;
  • Universitas Indonesia, all the local committees, administrators, and managers of the whole COMPFEST event;
  • prabowo for existing;
  • fushar for the Judgels platform used in the official contest; and finally
  • MikeMirzayanov for the amazing Codeforces and Polygon platform!
  • Extra thanks for Pyqe for the dedication and effort 💪 in COMPFEST 14, as without him, the contest would not exist.

The contest will last for 5 hours and consist of 13 problems. While it is preferred to participate in a team, individual participation is also allowed. The problems themselves are expected to be easier than ICPC Regional contest.

COMPFEST itself is an annual event hosted by Universitas Indonesia. It is the largest student-run IT event in Indonesia and competitive programming contest is one of the competitions hosted.

We hope you will enjoy and have fun in the contest. Good luck!!

UPD: Editorial is up!!

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By steven.novaryo, history, 4 years ago, In English

Dear Codeforces community,

We are excited to invite you to TOKI Regular Open Contest (TROC) #14!

Key details:

Scoring distribution:
  • Div 2: 100 — 200 — 300 — 300 — 400 — 550
  • Div 1: 100 — 100 — 200 — 350 — 450 — 600

I would like to thank prabowo as coordinator, hocky for helping with problem preparation, fushar as organizer, wiwitrifai and tzaph_ as testers, and Yoshiyuki as proofreader.

Please register to the contest, and we hope you will enjoy TROC #14!

UPD: Contest is over! Our top 5:

Div 1:

  1. Benq
  2. maroonrk
  3. BohdanPastuschak
  4. rqi
  5. Pyqe
Rank 4 and 5 in div 1 have same score and penalty.

Div 2:

  1. tatyam
  2. dario2994
  3. tute7627
  4. Bohun
  5. m_99

Editorial is available here (English on page 8).

You can upsolve the problems here.

Thank you for participating and see you on the next contest!

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