Блог пользователя smhh22

Автор smhh22, история, 5 лет назад, По-английски

I tried to search sth, but no result found. I tried to search sth else, the same result, but I knew there are relevant blogs in CF. Here is an example:

Sorry for my bad English :)

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Автор smhh22, история, 6 лет назад, По-английски


can you help me with this problem?:

We have DAG with n vertices and m edges. We have q queries, each query has two integers v[i] and u[i], determine for each query that if there is a path starting at v[i] and finishing at u[i].

n, m, q <= 1e5

thanks, and sorry for my bad English. (:

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Автор smhh22, история, 6 лет назад, По-английски

Hi. In my system, the output for problem 1077D, TC3 is "1 1", but the judge gives WA, and says my output was "1869767529 546111684". My submission is: 45829660 What's wrong?

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