robell's blog

By robell, history, 4 years ago, In English
Recently, I came across this snippet of code:
#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
using namespace __gnu_pbds;
typedef tree<int,null_type,less<int>,rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update> indexed_set;

which implements a policy based data structure. Yet when I ran it on VS code on my Mac(pls don't judge), the code kept on giving me errors stating that "assoc_container.hpp not found" ect.. I searched online for the source code for the ext folder that assoc_container is located in yet the only thing that I could find is this link which doesn't contain a pb_ds folder. For the people who use policy based data structures, do you guys know whether there is anything I can do so that I'm able to implement these policy based data structures?

PS:I've looked at this blog post Post,but I wasn't gain a verifiable answer on what to do since I'm small brained. I also compile my code with "gcc --std=c++17 $x -o $lol" where $x is the file name of the cpp file and $lol is the output file name.

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By robell, history, 4 years ago, In English

Wishlist from a newbie (Please excuse my ignorance if any of them are already available and I'm not aware of it — would be great if you can point it out in comments), Here it goes in no particular order of preference:

  1. Ability to get to my submissions for a particular problem on the problem page While looking at the problem. This would be helpful to quickly get to my previous submissions for a problem especially useful if I have lost any Local copy I had. I know I can wade through all my submissions to find it but it is Much faster this way.

  2. Tags for Blog entries seem to be available can we have the ability to search the blog entries by tags. Might be really easy to wade through the previous blog entries (Eg. for tutorials).

  3. Ability to Create Lists of problems. Particularly helpful for a newbie like me To revisit certain problems which I might have found interesting or for veterans To group and curate some problems which they could reference in their blog entry.

  4. Ability to attach notes to submissions (Must be editable even after the submission). This is particularly useful In detailing the approach that I took on a particular problem. While this could be put as comments in the code during a contest this is not feasible.

  5. Editorials button directly on the problem page (If they do exist). I know that editorials are exist after contest, But Post contest People would usually land on the problems directly and not via a contest.

  6. From the Problem Page the ability to view submissions from others (and sort it by speed and memory). This would be particularly helpful to see the approaches by others after you have submitted your solution to a problem.

  7. ITMO Academy: pilot course under EDU — Can this please be expanded to include more topics? Excellent content!

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