rajon_aust's blog

By rajon_aust, history, 10 years ago, In English

Today I solved the problem . Link : http://lightoj.com/volume_showproblem.php?problem=1157

I have a question . If the problem is modified and say to find the number of distinct common sub-sequences of n ( 0<=n<=1000 ) length than is it possible to come up a solution ?

let A = "abba" ans B = "abba" , here LCS between A and B is 4 . So number of distinct LCS between A and B is 1 . But if said find the number of distinct common sub-sequences of 3 length than answer will be 3 ( "abb" , "aba" , "bba" ) .

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By rajon_aust, history, 10 years ago, In English

I tried to solve the problem last 3 days . I didn't understand where my algorithm not work ! I use strongly connected component and dynamic programming . Please provide some suggestion that how can I solve the problem . Thanks in advance .

Problem link : http://www.spoj.com/problems/BREAK/

My solution link : http://ideone.com/5WMx0q

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By rajon_aust, history, 10 years ago, In English

I don't find any solution idea for this problem . I am totally stuck in this problem . If anyone solve the problem , please give me the idea for this problem . Thanks in advance !


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By rajon_aust, 10 years ago, In English

Almost 2.5 years passed , I am doing competitive programming . I have a big dream to become a red coder . I want to represent my country to any big event . I solved lots of problems . But still I am not good in this area . I want to upgrade my skill . After 6 months dhaka regional will held . I want to prepare myself for the event . Provide any suggestion , by following which path or solving which type of problems I can reach my destination . Thanks in advance .

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