plehem's blog

By plehem, history, 7 years ago, In English

Hello everyone!

Since, I've found out that I'm weak at DP tagged problems, I decided to fix it, now I'm struggling at one really cool problem.

The problem is 588D - Duff на пляже. I found a solution but after reading the editorial I realized that it solves different problem. Perhaps I misunderstood the problem. So, please explain the following case where I think answer should be 48 but it is 30:

3 12 2
5 9 1

Author's output: 30, but there are 48 non-decreasing subsequences, e.g.

5 9 1  5 9 1  5 9 1   5 9 1  --> b
1 2 3  4 5 6  7 8 9  10 11 12 --> positions

length 1 subsequence 12
length 2: 

total 36+12 = 48

Thanks in advance!

Any help'll be appreciated!

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