Problem 1:
You are given an array consisting of n integers. You are given q queries. Each query has two integers x and m. for each query, you are required to determine the array value that provides the maximum bitwise XOR value with x where the array value is not more than m.
In other words, for each query, you must find arr[i] (1<=i<=n , arr[i]<=m) such that the value of (x ^ arr[i]) is maximum where ^ denotes bitwise XOR operator. If there is no such value that satisfies the condition, then print -1.
Input Format:
- first line contains an integer t denoting the number of test cases.
- first line of each test case contains an integer n denoting the number of elements in the array.
- second line of each test case contains n space-separated integers denoting arr[1],arr[2],.....,arr[n].
- third line of each test case contains an integer q denoting the number of queries.
- next q lines contain two integers x and m denoting the ith query.
Output Format:
- For each test case, print q space-separated integers denoting the required answer.
- 1<=t<=5
- 1<=n,q<=10^5
- 0<=arr[i],x,m<=10^9
Problem 2:
You are given a matrix A of size N*N. Assign the letter 'a' and ID 1,'b' and ID 2, and so on. Here, A[i][j] denotes the value in cell(i,j) of matrix A denotes the cost of writing the letter corresponding to ID j immediately after the letter corresponding to ID i.
Now, you are given a string S consisting of distinct lowercase alphabets and you have to determine the minimum cost to generate any permutation of the given string.
A permutation of a string is the rearrangement of the letters of the string.
NOTE: The cost of writing the first character is zero as no characters are present before the first character.
Input Format:
- The first line contains a single integer N.
- Next N lines contain N space-separated integers denoting matrix A.
- The next line contains a string S.
Output Format:
Print a single integer denoting the minimum cost as explained in the problem.
- 1<=N<=20
- 1<=A[i][j]<=10^9(i!=j)
- A[i][j]=0(i=j)
- 1<=|S|<=N
- S contains letters up to first N letters of lowercase alphabets.
- All characters in S are distinct.
Someone please tell me the approach to solve these problem and also comment what you think about the difficulty level of these questions with respect to Div 2-A,B,C,D,E,F and Problem Rating.