Блог пользователя orz

Автор orz, история, 15 месяцев назад, По-русски

4 ноября 2023 года в Университете ИТМО прошёл Тридцать первый командный чемпионат школьников Санкт-Петербурга по программированию. Он является отборочной региональной олимпиадой для Двадцать четвертой открытой всероссийской командной олимпиады школьников по программированию, которая пройдёт 11–12 декабря 2023 года в очном формате. Задачи подготовило жюри во главе с andrewzta: ba.tasya, VedernikovNV, Thinkbuge, Volkov_Ivan, golikovnik, orz, DishonoredRighteous, Volodya333, polipolinom, GShark, VArtem, peltorator, doreshnikov, Toy_mouse, step_by_step и fedor.tsarev.

По задачам этого набора прошли также несколько других отборов на XXIV открытую ВКОШП. Вот их список со ссылками на результаты:

В настоящее время контест уже выложен в тренировки: The XXXI Saint-Petersburg High School Programming Contest (SpbKOSHP 2023) | Qualification for the XXIV Russia Open High School Programming Contest (VKOSHP 2023).

UPD: в контест добавлены призраки, чтобы при прорешивании вы могли видеть в таблице результатов, как успехи у тех команд, которые официально участвовали в этом соревновании.

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Автор orz, история, 15 месяцев назад, По-английски
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Автор orz, история, 15 месяцев назад, перевод, По-русски

Здесь можно посмотреть, как я участвовал в Квалификационном раунде Yandex Cup 2023 Алгоритма, комментируя процесс на английском языке.

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Автор orz, история, 16 месяцев назад, По-английски
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Автор orz, история, 16 месяцев назад, По-английски

Today a horrible thing almost happened: I barely stayed an International Grandmaster on Codeforces after participation in CodeTON Round 6 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!). I would't say I was exceptionally slow or that I solved problems too clumsily, but for some reason the majority of participants near my level were faster than me on these problems.

I recorded a five hour long video about my adventures. If you're interested in a particular problem, follow the timecodes:

Problem Solving Implementation Editorial
1870A - MEXanized Array 01:37 02:45 3:23:28
1870B - Friendly Arrays 06:23 10:54 3:30:20
1870C - Colorful Table 12:48 14:12 3:41:00
1870D - Prefix Purchase 22:14 24:41 3:58:20
1870E - Another MEX Problem 39:37 58:42 4:34:24
1870F - Lazy Numbers 1:31:03 2:54:32 2:30:37

If you open a video and see it's low quality, you might want to wait several minutes until YouTube processes the higher resolutions.

UPD. This is high quality now. Please watch!

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Автор orz, история, 17 месяцев назад, По-английски

Dear friends,

Today I tried an experimental format: separate videos. So, today I participated in Codeforces Round 896 (Div. 1) and recorded a screencast, but, unlike the previous times, I did not immediately record the editorials. Instead several videos are dedicated to them. So here are the links:

UPD: I recorded the upsolving of 1869F - Flower-like Pseudotree (see the link above). I guess my explanation was quite fine, but in one case I incorrectly calculated the preconditions, which resulted in WA (223630659) and, subsequently, a huge mess and pain. It is still quite educational stuff though: the first half of the video is just a normal editorial (but, alas, with a technical mistake which should't screw the flow of the problem though), and the second one can teach you how to seek for bugs in problems like this one (with a big number of cases).

Also keep noted that for now the video is low-resolution. It will fix itself in half an hour or so. UPDUPD: the high resolution version has been processed and is available on YouTube.

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Автор orz, история, 18 месяцев назад, По-русски

Today I participated in Codeforces Round 887 (Div. 1). My experience was terrible (I wasn't able to solve 1852A - Набор Ntarsis during the contest, hope it tells you a lot), but it's still recorded, so hopefully it'll be useful for somebody. As usual, during the first half I participate while explaining aloud what and how I do, during the second part I explain more slowly the solutions of Div.1 problems A–D.

Note that the audio is quite high quality, and the high-quality video is coming in a couple of hours (Youtube is still processing it right now).


UPD: The video now is high-quality.

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Автор orz, история, 20 месяцев назад, По-английски

Congratulations to Ormlis for taking the first place in a public Div. 1 Codeforces contest for the first time!

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Автор orz, история, 23 месяца назад, По-английски
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Автор orz, история, 23 месяца назад, По-английски

Today I screencast and explained solutions of problems A–D and F. The video is uploaded to YouTube: https://youtu.be/B48ykX0NpUY

I have to inform that the round quality wasn't exceptionally high: the translation was noticeably Google translated from Russian (for example, представление has at least two meanings — representation or performance, and Google Translate wasn't able to discriminate between these two), the pretests were weak in B, C and F (many people were simply TL-hacked or had their solution fail during system testing). I will elaborate on problem F: there I wrote a square root decomposition with incorrect constants, but still got AC though my solution was incorrect on these simple tests:

2 3
2 2


4 24
5 5 5 5

With the first of these, I was able to uphack six accepted solutions, including my own.

Nevertheless I knew what to expect (I call such rounds contests for schoolchildren) and overall experience was satisfactory.

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

Good Bye 2022: 2023 is NEAR finished, and I participated in it with usual explanations of everything that I do and with editorial of A–E in the end. You're welcome to watch, the video is already on the channel!


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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

Two days ago Northern Eurasia Finals 2022 took place, mirror of which was on Codeforces: 2022-2023 ICPC, NERC, Northern Eurasia Onsite (Unrated, Online Mirror, ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred). In the next few hours the standings got unfrozen, thereby we know the list of the teams that qualified to the ICPC Finals this year:

1st place 🏆 MIPT: Yolki-palki (Pechalka, Kapt, Tikhon228)

2nd place 🥇 HSE: FFTilted (I_love_teraqqq, I_love_kirill22, Ormlis)

3rd place 🥇 SPb SU: Urgant Team (sava-cska, RedMachine-74, orz)

4th place 🥇 Belarusian SU: 1: Dungeon Thread (Septimelon, RED_INSIDE, programmer228)

4th place 🥇 SPb ITMO: pengzoo (iakovlev.zakhar, DishonoredRighteous, golikovnik)

12th place 🥉 Innopolis: U A (Farhod, sm1lee, Laggy)

14th place Kazakh-British TU: DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (amanbol, Na2a, DimmyT)

15th place SPb HSE: Just3Keks (Xrite, vmos1999, NeKpoT)

20th place Nazarbayev U: wf or gf? (dulatcodes, CMaster, krauch)

23rd place AITU: 1 (Muratov, Aliaidar, Kamzabek)

24th place Moscow SU: apes together strong (voyrus, Vladithur, revelcoS)

27th place BSUIR: #1: So stuffy (kartel, p3rfect, romarkovets)

Congratulations to everyone aforementioned!

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-русски

I started coding after I discovered LOUD Enough's cp journey, they showed me that all three barracks can fall simultaneously within first ten minutes of Survival Chaos round

so thank you, tranquility, nikgaevoy, Kaban-5 for your introduction to the CP world

In my deepest gratitude I've drawn all three some of you solving questions on Codeforces site

As Makoto Soejima said, never give up!

please don't down vote, it's my first blog post

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

After a bit of a pause I release a new video on my channel — screencast of explanation Codeforces Round 833 (Div. 2). Although my participation was not that successful, I solved five problems and explained all six problems in the video. Feel free to watch!

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-английски
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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, перевод, По-русски

Сегодня demon1999 радует нас замечательным праздником — сегодня ей исполнилось 23. Спасибо ей за это!

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

Today there were two nice contests in a row: AtCoder Regular Contest 149 and Codeforces Round 824 (Div. 2). I participated in both of them.

  1. My participation in AtCoder Regular Contest 149 was quite a failure, I neither speedforced nor solved any of the harder problems. The video is already on my channel: https://youtu.be/3D1IbPtrLWg

  2. My participation in Codeforces Round #824 (Div. 2) wasn't a failure, I even finished second! (And this is my by far the most successful participation in an unrated round.) The video is uploaded but still processing, so soon you will be able to watch it. As always, a nice bonus is a detailed editorial in the end of the video: https://youtu.be/fbFAg1th5oM

Subscriptions, comments, likes, watches and other ways of expressing feedback are welcome!

UPD. Now both videos are watchable. Enjoy!

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

Dear everyone,

As always, my screencast and detailed analysis of problems A–G of Codeforces Global Round 22 is already uploaded (but still processing for high-quality viewing) on the channel. This time the video is huge — over five hours!

Please watch, enjoy, learn, comment — anything you want!

UPD. The video is ready for viewing.

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-русски

Признаться честно, не люблю я контесты от крупных компаний типа Гугла и Фейсбука. Когда в них участвую, я из-за формата соревнования чувствую постоянный дискомфорт, как будто крупные компании предпочитают игнорировать то, как проводят соревнования по программированию опытные платформы типа Codeforces и AtCoder. Но сегодня прошёл так далеко, как ещё никогда не заходил — занял 201-е место на Meta Hacker Cup 2022 Round 2 и прошёл в Round 3 (предшествующий финальному). Не надюсь, что я пройду в финал, но для меня и третий раунд — уже вполне себе финал!

Запись моего участия можно посмотреть здесь.

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

Today I participated in Codeforces Round 819 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) and Grimoire of Code Annual Contest 2022. At first glance, this was really a nice contest, and even though some problems were a bit too technical, they did contain some certain ideas (and as to whether these ideas were cool and beautiful, I guess there's no accounting for taste). However, the tests in the harder problems weren't strong enough. For example,

Nevertheless, I screencast the solving process (with my struggling to solve 1726F - Late For Work (submissions are not allowed)) and explanation of problems A–F, and I am now uploading it to YouTube, the video should appear here in several hours. Please leave your feedback (and other cases of high- or low-quality testing in this contest) in the comments!

UPD: While I was sleeping, two news have happened:

  1. The video uploaded successfully.

  2. The round became unrated because of the problem F, from which I suffered a lot during the contest. (By the way, the suffering had nothing to do with the quality of the tests in this problem or with this issue, I just made stupid bugs). You may read this and this blog to get to know the incident.

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

I got to the 41st place in Codeforces Round 814 (Div. 1), which quite surprised me because my last several contests were also pretty lucky, not to say in this contest I was extremely slow in solving the problem A. Still I followed the tenet from the never_giveup's handle and finished the contest, it happened to be not that bad. Moreover, I beat my personal best of rating. I screencast and explained 1718A2 - Burenka and Traditions (hard version), 1718B - Fibonacci Strings, 1718C - Tonya and Burenka-179 and partly 1718D - Permutation for Burenka from this contest here: https://youtu.be/6iaSJikYZ-o

Feel free to watch and leave your invaluable feedback!

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Автор orz, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

Since there were not that many Div. 1 rounds last several days, I decided to compete in a Div. 2 round. This time my participation was quite poor, but still I solved and explained some of the problems in front of a camera, so I hope that my video will be useful for my adorable viewers: https://youtu.be/ZF42Y5cQhf4

As with my previous video, any sort of feedback is welcome in the comments.

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Автор orz, история, 3 года назад, перевод, По-русски

Недавно я стал записывать на видео процесс решения контестов и уже выложил несколько записей на свой Youtube-канал. Все эти видео на русском языке, потому что мне проще на нём думать и рассуждать.

Сегодня в качестве эксперимента я решил записать CodeTON Round 2 и говорить в течение ролика на английском языке. Да, мои рассуждения там получились довольно фрагментированными (в спидфорсес-условиях не хочется тратить много времени на объяснение идей, которые пришли в голову, когда уже пора садиться кодить их). Тем не менее, поскольку я занял 24-е место, я подозреваю, что видео всё равно получилось интересное и в чём-то познавательное, поэтому приглашаю всех желающих понаблюдать за процессом: https://youtu.be/ZK8vVVhoQXI

Так как ниша ютуб-блоггинга для меня весьма нова, жду любых советов. Можете их оставлять в комментариях под постом или под видео, а также отправлять мне в личку.

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Автор orz, история, 3 года назад, По-русски

Several days ago I published a table with first people to reach certain ratings. It featured only ratings above 1500, and adamant advised to do the same, but on achieving ratings below 1500. I found it quite interesting, and, after several days of collecting data about participations of 447911 Codeforces users, I finally made this table.

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Автор orz, история, 3 года назад, По-русски

Several days ago I published a table with first people to reach certain ratings. It was a bit raw because, firstly, it was based on top 20000 Codeforces users by rating, and, secondly, because it only gave information about ratings divisible by 50. Now I have prepared a table that is of more complex design, but both issues are resolved. Good luck understanding what is going on in it.

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