manitianajay45's blog

By manitianajay45, history, 18 months ago, In English

Jai Bajarang Bali

This is my first blog on CF.

Video — (Audio — Hindi)

In this video I have shared My CP journey — How I started?,How I practiced?, The difficulties I have faced?,Where I learn New topics?,How CP helped me in real life?

Sources I have used :-

For binary search and segment tree:-


To know how dp works watched Aditya Verma Boss 's DP playlists initial 5 to 7 Videos.

practice problems:- CSES Problems. Atcoder DP contest.

Interactice problems:- I have Put some set of problems on My [GIT]( Programming/tree/main/Interactive%20problems).

other Sources:- CP-Algorithms :-

CSES handbook :-

Errichto 's Youtube Channel

kartik8800's Youtube Channel

I have shared resources where I learn and practice.

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