Блог пользователя kunzaZa183

Автор kunzaZa183, история, 6 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hi everyone,

I'm a big fan of Visual Studio Code. However, I'm not a big fan of the C/C++ intellisense provided by Microsoft. Although I am aware it works on other machines; on my machine, it is a slow and buggy extension that seems to hallucinate more often than not, which led me to switch to clangd as my primary C/C++ autocomplete extension. I've been using clangd for quite a while and I like it. One annoying thing I want to fix though, is the lack of inclusion of headers that are provided by GCC.

Headers like bits/stdc++.h, ext/pb_ds aren't supported by clang, but I would like to know how I could be able to use these headers with clangd on vscode. I remember that during IOI2024, the clangd extension provided by the host allowed me to use these headers, so I know that it is possible.

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Автор kunzaZa183, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

Here's my submission 166077380. For some reason, it fails on test 2, testcase 13 however, I'm not able to view it (which is probably intended). I tried checking the editorial and their code Editorial is quite similar to mine. I also cannot find any other solution from other submissions that fail at test 2, testcase 13. Can anyone provide some help?

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