how do we know in problem 317B - Ants an array of a[147][147] will suffice?? thanks in advance
# | User | Rating |
1 | jiangly | 3846 |
2 | tourist | 3799 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3590 |
6 | Ormlis | 3533 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
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1 | cry | 165 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 161 |
3 | Qingyu | 160 |
4 | Dominater069 | 158 |
5 | atcoder_official | 157 |
6 | adamant | 154 |
7 | Um_nik | 151 |
8 | djm03178 | 150 |
9 | luogu_official | 149 |
10 | awoo | 147 |
how do we know in problem 317B - Ants an array of a[147][147] will suffice?? thanks in advance
i solved problem c of Croc Champ 2013 — Round 2 (Div. 2 Edition) but in my solution forgot to remove the system("pause"). Here is it 3607081 and was no able to correct it during the competition because of lack of time (i submitted just before the end) after competition here is the same code( without the Damn system("pause") ) 3607703 that got accepted. Hope i will learn from my mistakes!!!!
A tree can be split into two different trees by removing one of its edges. Given a tree with N nodes uniquely identified by integer numbers in the [0, N-1] range
Your task is to
write a function that finds the edge that needs to be removed from the tree, such that the difference between the sums of all the node IDs in the resulting trees is minimum
your function will print the minimum difference that you found to the standard output (stdout)
Note that your function will receive the following arguments:
parent which is an array of integer numbers with the following meaning: parent[i] = the parent of node i (more specifically its ID)
parent[i] = -1 if i has no parent (i is the root of the tree)
Data constraints
the maximum number of nodes in the tree is 50,000
Efficiency constraints
your function is expected to print the result in less than 2 seconds
Input parent: 1, 4, 4, 2, -1, 2, 2
Output 9
Explanation We remove the edge between nodes 2 and 6.
Given two points what is the best possible way to generate two more points such that they form square
My Solution to 253C - Text Editor is producing TLE? here is the link to solution 2797003
this is the problem :- 224B - Array this is the submission :- 2192415
126B - Password i have seen a few solutions but am not clear as to how the dp is working anybody please provide some explanation on how to solve this problem
this is the problem 220B - Little Elephant and Array my solution:- 2096939 thanks in advance
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