jakeob's blog

By jakeob, history, 7 weeks ago, In English

I am wondering what multiplier is used when the time constraints change by 1s because I am really having trouble at least narrowing down the time complexity of the solution when the time constraints are not for 1 second for example: https://codeforces.me/problemset/problem/1732/C1 which has a time limit of 4 seconds. can I make a time complexity of N^2 work?

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By jakeob, history, 4 months ago, In English

I have been getting messages when submitting usaco problems that the file was not found. Are you guys working on something? Does anyone know what is happening? I even submitted their given code in tutorials just to check and it still returned the same output. It works fine now

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By jakeob, history, 4 months ago, In English

The below code is the solution to some USACO problem and I when submitting I noticed that my submission did not get the full credit so I spend some time looking around my code and found out that there is somehow a problem with the initialization of the map when I initialize map m like this the:

My Code

the code doesn't pass all test cases. But when I did it manually like in the example below it works perfectly. So I would like to ask you why that is?

My Code

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