Блог пользователя islingr

Автор islingr, 12 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hello Codeforces!

The Algorithms and Coding Club, IIT Delhi (ANCC) in collaboration with Tryst, IIT Delhi, will host the following three events and would like to invite you all for the same:


ICPC-de-Tryst is an ICPC style team contest where you would be given 11 problems to the solve in the span of 4 hours, for teams of at most 3 members.

The problems were set and tested by 33_arsenic_75, ajmeraraghav99, Azm1t, BladeRunner, islingr, MridulAhi, Proelectro444, sahilkumar_1, sai_kamal, and Surver.

Prize Distribution


Organised in collaboration with MathSoc IITD, Codemod is a Project Euler-style individual contest where you would be given 6-7 challenging mathematical problems with an integer answer to solve in the span of 2 hours. You can optionally write programs in your favorite programming language to aid in computing the answers.

Visit our website to know more about other events happening at Tryst!

UPD1: Problems from Codemod

UPD2: Contest link for ICPC-de-Tryst

UPD3: Congratulations to the winners!

Top 15
IITD Top 3

UPD4: ICPC-de-Tryst editorial has been released.

Полный текст и комментарии »

Анонс ICPC-de-Tryst 2024
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