Блог пользователя Gokuu007

Автор Gokuu007, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

************************************ Factors ***************************************


So recently when I was studying some basics of combinatorics I got an idea of a problem, So in this blog I will be sharing the problem and the solution of the problem. And the solution of the problem.

So the problem statement is :

You are given a no N and m queries. there 3 type of queries :

Type 1 : You have to print the total no of factors of N. (1<=N<=10^18)

Type 2 : You have to print the total sum of factors of N.

Type 3 : You have to print the total sum of the reciprocals of the factors of N.

Solution :

Can any one come up with a better solution ??

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