Muhammad_mhs's blog

By Muhammad_mhs, history, 4 years ago, In English

I got this(ADATREE — Ada and Trees) problem from morass blog segment tree section. I stuck to analyzing the both time complexity and memory complexity of this problem in the worst case for this AC solution.

My Solution:

using namespace std;
#define MUHAMMAD        ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);
#define all(x)          (x).begin(), (x).end()
using ll = long long;
const ll N = 3e5 + 5;

vector < ll > tr[N<<2];

ll n;
ll arr[N];
ll q;
ll x;

vector < ll >  merge( vector<ll> a , vector<ll> b ){

 vector<ll> order;
 while( a.size() and b.size() ){
    int x = a.back();
    int y = b.back();
    if ( x <= y ) {
            order.push_back ( x );
    else {
            order.push_back ( y );

 while(a.size()) order.push_back(a.back()) , a.pop_back();
 while(b.size()) order.push_back(b.back()) , b.pop_back();
 return order;

void build(ll u, ll st, ll en) {

    if (st==en) {
        tr[u].push_back ( arr[st] );
    else {
        ll mid = (st+en)/2;
        build(2*u, st, mid);
        build(2*u+1, mid+1, en);

        vector < ll > bame = tr[2*u];
        vector < ll > dane = tr[2*u+1];
        reverse ( all ( bame ) );
        reverse ( all ( dane ) );

        vector<ll> res = merge( bame , dane );
        reverse ( all ( res ) );
            tr[u].push_back ( res.back() );

ll query(ll u, ll st, ll en, ll l, ll r) {

    ll bame , dane , res;
    if (r<st || en<l)  return 0;     
    if (l<=st && en<=r){
        ll lo = st;
        ll hi = en;
        ll mx = 0;
            ll mid = (lo+hi)>>1;
            ll cur = tr[u][mid-st];
            if ( cur > x ) hi = mid - 1;
                lo = mid + 1;
                mx = max ( mx , cur );
        return mx;
    ll mid = (st+en)/2;
    bame = query(2*u, st, mid, l, r);
    dane = query(2*u+1, mid+1, en, l, r);

    return max(bame,dane);

void Solution ( int tc ){

  cin >> n >> q;
  for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i ) cin >> arr[i];
  build ( 1 , 1 , n );
  for ( int i = 1 ; i <= q ; i++ ){
    ll l , r;
    cin >> l >> r >> x;
    ll res = query ( 1 , 1 , n , l , r );
    cout << res << "\n";

int main()

   int testcase = 1 , tc = 0;

    /// cin >> testcase;

    for ( int i = 1 ; i <= testcase ; ++i ){
       Solution( ++tc );
    return 0;



 Time :



Can anyone help me to calculate this. Thanks in advance.

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4 years ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

If your solution works, then running time is $$$O(q*log^2(n))$$$ and memory usage is $$$O(n*log(n))$$$.

Why? You are using Merge Sort Tree. The height is $$$log(n)$$$, so each number will enter exactly $$$log(n)$$$ times. Search for required nodes, as well as the usual Segment Tree, works in $$$O(log(n))$$$, and in each "good" node we are looking for an answer for $$$O(log(n))$$$ with binary search in the worst case.

But for it to work exactly in $$$O(q*log^2(n))$$$, you need to do the correct merge(): namely, transfer vectors to the function ($$$merge(vector<int> &a, vector<int> &b)$$$) and work using pointers ($$$--pa$$$, $$$if x <= y$$$ and vice versa).

Sorry for using google translator.