Hello Codeforces,
I hope everyone is having a great day.
Recently I have been seeing many articles and journals on whether certain skills are inherent or acquired. These articles talk about whether, for a certain skill, one is simply born good at it, or someone works to develop this skill, and over time builds it.
According to R. Plomin, (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-intelligence-hereditary/), genetic differences account for a shocking 50% of cognitive disparity among people. The rest is affected by factors like environment and pure hard work.
Does this mean that those who draw a good hand of cards are more likely to be successful?
Let’s get more specific.
In a study done by the University of Washington, (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200302103735.htm), participants “took eight different tests: one that specifically covered numeracy; one that measured language aptitude; and others that assessed attention, problem-solving and memory.”(University of Washington, 2020). After, the participants learned Python for 10 45 minute sessions on Codecademy, taking tests along the way. At the end, 70% of the variability between test scores was able to be explained using the original scores of language aptitude and fluid reasoning.
Although this test was just over a short time period, it accentuates how learning to program may be easier for those with certain innate qualities.
Combining these two notions, I wanted to see, Is CP ability innate or acquired? To test this, I would like to compare participants' IQ with their CF rating and see if there is a direct correlation between IQ and CF rating. To assess this, I will be using the online IQ test at https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/FSIQ/. This test has three sections, Memory, Verbal, and Spatial. Upon the completion of the test (which takes around 5-20 minutes), fill the form at https://forms.gle/wJsq9U52z1H1bCsU8. Remember to copy-paste the URL of the end screen into the response. When I reach 50 responses or more, I will begin plugging the data into Microsoft Excel and will make another blog with the results.
UPDATE: The submission window is now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted, I have received over 170 responses. I have begun my analysis, expect a subsequent blog post within the next couple of days.
UPDATE 2: The update blog is now posted. https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/91237
Thank you for your time, and enjoy your day!
Can't wait to see the results, seems very interesting. Great work!
Mr rainier HSO!
"There is not much benefit to taking a super long time on the test, but if you speed through in less than 10 minutes your scores will be much lower than they would otherwise be"
Can you tell why is it so?
I did not create the test, but I would assume it would be because spending less time on the test would mean not thinking through each question fully, generally resulting in a lower score.
Maybe I don't know much but can the below question really decide my IQ ?
I mean according to me IQ is all about some creativity...not some memorizing stuff.
This test is flawed.There are smarter people who are less proficient in English.
Anant geniosity
¿ Expert > 110 IQ, Candidate Master > 120 IQ and Master > 130 IQ ?
pulsatio Can you please tell me your scores in MEMORY test and SPATIAL test?
In fact, in past tests I had 135 IQ, but the comment is sarcasm. I don't think it's that measurable.
May be! Mine was 117. What about u?
Master, here I come!
sarcasm sarcasm
My prediction: maybe a very weak correlation, CP is more about dedication and practice than innate ability.
yeah bro, anyone with skills can get to grandmaster, the comment was sarcasm
it says my IQ is <70
My Full Scale IQ is only 107! I was too bad at verbal IQ test as I'm not a native English speaker and I hated vocabulary. Now I know why I'm still struggling to even become a specialist.
Verbal IQ — 85 Memory IQ — 127 Spatial IQ — 121
Now I'm regretting for taking this test. :(
The results shown by the test is not why you're struggling to be a specialist.
There is an aproximation that says to gain real mastership at anything we need to work for 10000 hours on that topic.
This is certainly a somewhat arbitrary value, but the core of the statement is: The level that is reached after this time is close to what is achievable at all.
Also is true, that most of the 100% we could reach will be reached in a much shorter time.
That yields the conclusion that after two or three years of hard work there is not much more potential. And that seems true given the majority of rating graphs.
Hey, I think it is insufficient to ask for the URL of the analysis screen. For me, the URL looks like this:
Notice that there is no base64 string after
that I see some people have. Instead, it seems that it sends my test results with the POST form data. This is what the final result screen request looks like.I think IQ has to do more with the pace of improvement than rating...
lesser time required to gain the same amount of skill.
Edit: I meant hard work not time.
Look at Benq for example
IMO they don't correlate much as I got 135 IQ in the test
Looks like I have the verbal intelligence of a rock, have fun with the outlier :)
I would call the verbal iq score nearly completely useless, especially if english is not your first language. I fail to see how knowledge of more obscure words correlate to higher iq.
Those mental rotations were really fun!
Correlation between CF rating and IQ?Sorry i can't help .My IQ and Cf ratings are not in good terms.They broke up after being in a complex relationship for 1-2 days.
A lot of the people here do not have English as their first language or second language and their skill in English varies quite a lot, I think it is better if this experiment is carried out using any other online IQ Test which is not language specific and just tests Spatial and Non-verbal Reasoning.
I think I did ok, verbal killed me or I thought it did lol..
Memory : 117
Verbal : 115
Spatial : 132
Also now I know why I have high spatial IQ, notice anything here ?: https://ibb.co/Bs3RzDQ
Verbal destroyed everyone... Lol
yours verbal is pretty impressive if you're not a native english speaker have a look at mine
It's fucking 92.
There's correlation of course but I think IQ will usually tell you how fast you'll make progress. To become really good you have to put in a lot of work, and doing that requires motivation. There are different reasons why people are motivated to do CP.
For the record: https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/FSIQ/results.php?data=frPdiTQIS3JT
Even disregarding the verbal score, this is still nothing special, everyone meets more intelligent people every day. My z-score on Codeforces is actually significantly higher than the IQ score I got, which should tell you I put in a ton of work.
I said the same and got downvoted :(
English is not my native language and I have no memory, quite expected.
Memory IQ 114.
Verbal IQ 105.
Spatial IQ 141.
Result Now I begin to understand why I seem to have no intuition on geometry...
My result
really hard for a not native English.
300iq orz.
Any update on how long it will take for your analysis? thanks.
It will be up by end of today (EST). Sorry for the delay.
:( https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/FSIQ/results.php?data=kQxYpIPq4DZf