Hi Guys, Shall we reduce the contests on week days and increase the contests on weekends ? For example if there are three contests in a particular week, we can keep two contests on that week's saturday and sunday and the other one in some week day. Suppose if there are only two, can we keep it on saturday and sunday ?. I feel like this because many of us are working professionals (including me) and do not have great mood after a long work day. Please comment on your thoughts.
For many, CP is a refreshing sport + passion rather than a time pass for weekends. Just saying
Just because I am asking to keep more contests on weekends, doesnt mean that I am doing it as a timepass. I am working and I really have no need to do cp (as many do cp just for getting a jo). I do it because I like it, I want to do it even though I am not good at this.
You are very good at it, just ask the people like me :)
Well actually given the number of problems I solved (Normal Distribution with mean around 1650, sigma around 350 ), which is close to 3K, from this account, another account (I used that account only for practice, No contests there), other sites, I must say i am not good at this.
Well on this account at least, you have basically no solves above 2000 rating, so how do you expect to surpass that...
Practice harder problems and maybe you'll see new results.
I don't think it's a good idea. First, it's a global community, students from even middle school to working professionals take part in contests. Also, back-to-back contests on both days, really ruin the fun. There must be a gap of at least 1 day.
Actually Could you pls elaborate on how it will ruin the fun ? I take virtual contests if possible on 2 or 3 consecutive days. But I dont think it ruins any fun. Actually I feel like when I suck at one round, I convince myself that there is again one more round the next day instead of long wait, which is kind of encouraging.
I think that it's a good idea to have at least a 1 day break between contests for multiple reasons. This gives time to upsolve problems, then read editorials, then discuss problems with the other people, etc.
Also some people may want to have time to appeal verdicts of the plagiarism checker (in cases if the code was partially copied from the public sources such as the GFG site). And hobbyist cheater hunters may need time to do their job identifying and reporting plagiarists too.
I don't like the idea of contests on consecutive days since the number of contests are limited. I'd prefer to wait for around 3 days between 2 contests than giving 2 contests on consecutive days and then waiting another 6 days for another contest.
Most of the contests which occur on plateforms like atcoder and codechef are on weekends.. At the end..many of us will have leave contests on one or other.. if they practice on multiple plateforms..
I guess many of us like to give contests on various websites such as codeforces, atcoder, codechef, etc. Atcoder has contests on saturday, sunday and thats why codeforces doesnt keep contests on sat, sun I guess. Maybe you can try out atcoder, its a good stress reliever as well.
Do almost all countries have holidays on saturday and sunday? In mine, holidays are friday and saturday.
Atcoder, Codechef, Hackerearth and maybe even more websites already follow this and have their contests on weekends. If Codeforces does the same then there will be multiple contests on weekends which will lead to many people missing contests due to clashes. Just participating on other websites is a much better solution to your problem.