I usually get input/output and submit by using cf-tools, which is very helpful!
but today, I found I could not submit my solution when typed "cf submit" for submitting as usual,only to get a command message below:
""" Submit CONTEST (contest_id), problem (problem_id) Not logged. Try to login Login (usr_name)... Cannot find csrf """
Does anyone figure out what's the problem?
Looks like Codeforces added some more security protections. I've reported the bug: https://github.com/xalanq/cf-tool/issues/131
I appreciate your help!
someone suggested me this link and to download the exe file and its working fine now
Is anybody still facing this problem? I can't get cf-tools to work on my macOS.
yes, I am unable to configure it, keep getting "Cannot find csrf".
yes i am using cp config for login
and i am getting the same issue "cannot find csrf"