Topcoder SRM 801 is scheduled to start at 07:00 UTC-5 on February 24, 2021.
Registration is now open for the SRM in the Arena or Applet and closes at 06:55 UTC-5. The coding phase will start at 07:05 UTC-5, so make sure that you are all ready to go. Click here to what time it starts in your area
This SRM will award points towards Stage 3 of TCO21 and also the qualifications for TCO21 Regional Events
Some Important Links:: Match Results (match results, rating changes, challenges, individual test case results), Problem Archive, Problem Writing, Algorithm Rankings, Editorials and Older Editorials(SRM 710 and before),
Best of luck!
- the Topcoder Team
Gentle Reminder: The round begins in an hour!
Lately, from the past few contest, Topcoder is having some good problems rather than just do this and this and finally get your answer, I hope many people are enjoying them. (you might disagree with me) Thank You Problem Setters!
Draft of the editorial for this round.
What does rating history graph doesn't update in topcoder profile? There is no last 3 SRMS gets updated faster than topcoder.
Sorry for the issues. The team is working on it actively and should have it resolved asap.
The team is working on it actively and should have it resolved asap.
check it you have not updated till now for the previous 3 SRMs.
I don't know why but in my room one guy hacked all our 250 solutions except one...
Many solutions for div1 250 using map failed. Can somebody explain why? For me it seems like complexity using map should be O(n^2 * log(n^2)), which considering n = 2000 seems fine. Examples:first, second, or even check the room, it has 4-5 successful challenges because of map.