Блог пользователя pani.natalia

Автор pani.natalia, 4 года назад, По-английски

The most popular question on Codeforces must be "How to become red".
I've just (February 2021) ran a script and discovered that the current number of Codeforces profiles is 323553. Only 1622 profiles have in their history a rating more than 2400. I should say, not as many reds as I expected. My script on github. I hope you remember that a newcomer used to start with 1500 points. I selected users who fell down to the grey level but did not give up and later became red.

Let me introduce these 40 brave guys:
- Aleks5d min 1195 max 2683
- Ali.Kh min 1167 max 2600
- Alpha_Q min 999 max 2452
- Arpa min 1057 max 2679
- Arthur min 1158 max 2592
- Atreus min 1134 max 2729
- Bench0310 min 1158 max 2502
- xoxo min 1188 max 2416
- Danylo99 min 1195 max 2482
- kiyotaka min 1081 max 2766
- IMAN_GH min 1141 max 2456
- IgorI min 1196 max 2548
- Man min 1029 max 2416
- Mikaeel min 1190 max 2402
- NikaraBika min 1089 max 2537
- Onjo min 1154 max 2425
- RedNextCentury min 1170 max 2419
- Az3ar min 1069 max 2676
- Shayan min 1119 max 2751
- SmallBoy min 1165 max 2462
- Sonechko min 1102 max 2528
- Suiseiseki min 1115 max 2421
- Yousef_Salama min 1126 max 2580
- aarr min 1139 max 2425
- adamant min 1187 max 2472
- alireza_kaviani min 1144 max 2643
- andr0901 min 1172 max 2417
- awoo min 945 max 2661
- bthero min 1189 max 2546
- danya.smelskiy min 1163 max 2592
- duyboy135 min 1098 max 2467
- hitman623 min 1199 max 2473
- interestingLSY min 1182 max 2449
- khokho min 1072 max 2431
- klimoza min 1041 max 2434
- craborac min 1084 max 2831
- netman min 1105 max 2625
- realcomplex min 1183 max 2596
- yashChandnani min 1110 max 2796
- zscoder min 1117 max 2938

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4 года назад, # |
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I can see only a few (~5) red coders with a minimum rating lower than me :D

I have a little brother Ampa, with rating 862. I hope that someday he reaches red and breaks the record of the lowest minimum rating who reached red.

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    4 года назад, # ^ |
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    Will you give me an interview for this blog somehow? Even two:-) About becoming red and about studying in Iran. Unfortunately I do not anything about Iran except Iranian Geometry Olympiad(

4 года назад, # |
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I think, if you have no cp experience and straight off start giving contests on cf without much practice, anyone can become newbie irrespective of their potential. It is just that most of them (I have not checked all of their profiles) didn't remain newbie for a long time and learned quite fast.

4 года назад, # |
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Man, awoo's profile is motivating as heck. He had been gray for almost a year but still didn't give up!

4 года назад, # |
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Is it true that they have better IQ ?, so they tend to improve faster ... Ignoring the hardwork they put in practice .. JUST A CURIOUS QUESTION

4 года назад, # |
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Isn't this actually pretty demotivating? Only 40 out of 1622 grandmasters (less than 3%) ever dropped to grey at the start of their careers. If this is a predictor for someone's individual chances to eventually become a grandmaster, then dropping to grey is indicating a much lower chance.

Ratings for new accounts now start from 1400. But they are just displayed with [-1400, -900, -550, -300, -150, -50] adjustments after the first 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 ranked contests. After the 6th contest onward, the displayed rating is the same as the real rating.

I did the necessary calculations for my own account and the displayed rating changes 0 -> 408 -> 814 -> 1082 -> 1199 -> 1328 -> 1305 actually translate to the real rating changes 1400 -> 1308 -> 1364 -> 1382 -> 1349 -> 1378 -> 1305. What a relief! My real rating never dropped to grey yet. Maybe I still have a hope to eventually become a grandmaster? lol

4 года назад, # |
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How to become red. 02. Can a gray become tourist?