ankit-chauhan's blog

By ankit-chauhan, history, 4 years ago, In English

I am wondering what is the relation between the real difficulty of the same rated problems now and 10 years ago. For example, if I solve 2000 rated problem from the previous round and from codeforces Beta Rounds, Which one will be difficult in general?

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4 years ago, # |
Rev. 3   Vote: I like it +25 Vote: I do not like it

For problems with the same rating, recent rounds are more difficult.

4 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +12 Vote: I do not like it

It's hard to say, but from my experience, past Codeforces rounds have been more about "thinking"/observation rather than implementing. However, 10 years ago, there was much more implementation-based problems.

So it's hard to say because it's like comparing apples (implementation-base problems) to bananas (observation-based problems).