So, I am doing a Question which I am able to reduce to the following problem :-
EQ1:- C2 = (a2^2)%P
EQ2:- C2+C1 = ((a1+a2)^2)%P
find any one pair (a1,a2) satisfying above equations where P is prime number >=3 and C1 and C2 are integer between >=0 and <P.
1) P < 1e9+9
2) TestCases(T) <= 1e4
3) TimeLimit 4s
My approached (basically trying to find sqareroot modulus)
1) bruteforces over each value from 0 to P/2 and store squareroot modulus but that's O(T*P)
2) Tonelli–Shanks algorithm but that also is getting TLE
How to solve above equation efficiency?
Can you give a link to the problem?
I think this is from an active contest, so please don't answer this question.