Всем привет!
Присоединяйтесь к грандиозному онлайн турниру ICPC NERC Cloud Scheduling Challenge, который пройдет при поддержке Huawei на платформе Codeforces с 12 по 20 декабря 2020!
В течение недели лучшие программисты будут решать задачу, основанную на проблемах облачных систем. С подобной задачей имеют дело разработчики облачного сервиса Huawei Cloud. Участникам предстоит найти оптимальный алгоритм составления расписания для разнообразных операций в облаке, минимизируя одновременно значения двух штрафных функций. Необходимо найти разумный баланс, в зависимости от входных данных. Примеры возможных входов будут даны, но для качественного решения потребуется проанализировать постановку самостоятельно. Пробуйте различные подходы, сочетайте несколько алгоритмов и увеличивайте свои шансы на победу! На кону – призы от Huawei: смартфоны Huawei P40 PRO, планшеты Huawei MATEPAD PRO LTE и смарт-часы Huawei WATCH GT 2E.
Соревнование индивидуальное и нерейтинговое. Победители определятся в двух зачетах: для участников региональных соревнований Северной Евразии сезона 2020/21 и для всех остальных. Если вы участник соревнований NERC 2020/21 и хотите принять участие в первом зачете, привяжите ваш ICPC аккаунт к аккаунту Codeforces по этой ссылке: https://codeforces.me/settings/general
- 1-4 место – смартфон HUAWEI P40 PRO
- 5-8 место – планшет HUAWEI MATEPAD PRO LTE
- 9-12 место – смарт-часы HUAWEI WATCH GT 2E
В этом видео Андрей Тихонов, соавтор Cloud Scheduling Challenge, кратко поясняет суть задачи и приводит примеры входных данных:
UPD: ICPC NERC Cloud Scheduling Challenge успешно завершен! Спасибо всем, кто принял участие в соревновании. Поздравляем победителей с отличным результатом! В опубликованном ниже видео Андрей Тихонов расскажет подходы и решения предложенной задачи:
Присоединяйтесь, тренируйтесь и побеждайте!
Will problems be like challenge problems ,where we need to find closest approximate answer? Or the exact answers . ?
What is the point of participating and making prizes for 1-12 places? It's about 12 GM to participate.
I don't like it!
And how would you prefer to distribute prizes? Randomly?
No but at least giving a prize to first 50 people would have been nicer.
Oh, that's an awesome idea. For example, instead of awarding four smartphones to the Top-4 they can award a 25% discount coupons to the Top-16. And similarly with the other two prizes. This will surely motivate much more people to compete!
It's probably an optimization problem anyway so GM or expert, that doesn't matter.
sir plz tell some good sources for dfs problems.
Is this a marathon like contest?
NERC Challenge 2020: Marathon
I will be glad to participate and test my knowledge
Really ICPC? Giving Huaweis as prizes? Are you really that poor?
The question is: Really John? Are you really that rich?
If they are expending this much then Apple products must have been better and more inspirational . Anyway its also fine.
As the problem comes from Huawei team, it would be strange to see Apple devices in prizes, isn't it?
Huawei Sponsors ICPC, so any other technology brand is out of the table. And in my opinion, any prodcut is not more inspirational or better that being able to say "I'm between the winners of this contest".
Awesome! Good luck to everyone participating!
The ICPC Huwaei Challenge is definitely one of my favorite events on Codeforces. I'm excited!
Good luck to everyone who is participating.
so is it rated? or not
i was careless it was mentioned sorry
prizes are for cf winners or just official participants of ICPC?
There are two sets of prizes: separate for both tracks.
Thanks, Mike for making it clear :)
Is there any penalty for resubmitting a solutions . That is , whether should i wait for last day to submit my best solution or i can keep trying and updating.
I am sure there is no penalty for resubmitting. You can try as most as you want
getting bored I need Div 2 contest so bad..
Why is it boring? I find optimizations problems really interesting and fun as you have a lot of time to think and implement. It is also more realistic in real life applications as usually, you don't want a definite solution to a problem. Sometimes you only need a good approximate.
Hey, can someone help fix the test system? I want to test deadlock so I write an infinite loop. I think it will exceed the time limit, but seems it is running endlessly. Need help thanks! UPD: never mind, it is just a little slow
Is this contest open to all, or only to those in certain regions or in college or university?
Everybody is welcome to participate.
Я привязал свой аккаунт к icpc.global, однако при попытке регистрации мне все равно высвечивается красная плашка, на которой написано, что если я участник NERC, мне нужно привязать аккаунт. Так и должно быть?
Да, это просто доп. текст при регистрации.
Тренер команды идет в общем зачете или nerc? (Сейчас вроде в общем)
Good luck to everyone who is participating.
Sorry if I missed it but will our best submission be considered or the last submission??
Thanks and sorry if this was a dumb question and i missed something obvious! :D
From the problem statement:
... When the contest is over, then for each participant the last submission will be selected (which passed at least one test). ...
Oh damnn i did miss something!! Thanks a lot!!
When is the final standings going to be published?
Top 12 of the other group:
ZloyNegr 303639.027
I want a matepadpro,(´;︵;`)
What is your approach to the problem ?
Mine is keep greedily put everyone to their places if possible mainly. For each 4~5 steps try to move VMs from crowded servers to less crowded one for a few run only for special tests.
My best improvement was that it is sometimes helpful to look at the problem from the end and go to the beginning.
About 1-3k using different greedy approaches.
Greed, with order randomization and prioritizing moves from overcrowded servers. Occasionally making moves from overcrowded servers to servers with excessive cpu/ram reserves. Doing all of it until tl.
I use greedy ideas. If vms can move from an old server to a new server, I do it. If count of moves in step less than some constrain, I move vms from servers that haven't all necessary vms, to servers that already have all necessary vms. This move ensure that any vm would move no more than 2 times. Practice shows that no situation when such move not exist in these testcases. Also I use some randomized algorithms and optimizations.
First I implement a naive greedy algorithm which simply moves the vms without turning servers. It may causes some deadlock, so during some steps I will check every server and use some of them with large space and small moves as turning points. Finally I set up 10+ sets of parameters (like the frequency of using turning servers, how to choose turning servers, etc), run them seperately and use their minimum as my answer.
It's also important to use randomization and time trick (continuous running until TL).
I have struggled a lot for winning a HUAWEI MATEPAD PRO LTE. The standing shows that many participants are stronger than me >_<. btw, will others' submissions be made public?
A small suggestion for improvement such type of problems.
Since your solution is tested only on 30 tests of 50 during the round, there is no guarantee that this solution will work correctly on the other 20 tests. So you have to create more "careful" solutions. In particular I "asked" my program to run only 4 seconds (while 5 or even 5.5 seems to be OK too) and have removed some optimizations. But I was not sure that my solution works properly till end of the system test, because code is very large and complex. Also the time measurement is a bit unstable, so you have to be very very careful.
From the other hand, I enjoy the CodeChef challenging problems system:
"There are 12 test files. During the contest, the displayed score will account for exactly 4 test files, i.e. your score reflects your submission's performance on 33% of the test files. However, if your program gets a non-AC verdict on any test file, your submission's verdict will be non-AC. In other words, an AC verdict denotes that your program runs successfully on all the test files. After the end of the contest, your score will be changed to include the sum of your program's scores over the other 8 test files."
Once you may test you solution fully, you may focus on new optimizations/ideas. May be it will be good to implement something like this here.
BTW, thanks for the great competition!