Блог пользователя FLEA

Автор FLEA, 4 года назад, По-английски

In one day, International Autumn Tournament in Informatics 2020 starts, and as a contestant I was wondering what are your pre — olympiad rituals?

Are you making voodoo magic?

Are you praying to ancient gods?

Are you viewing dank memes on codeforces?

Are you doing your Romanian and Geography homework ?(as me)

What is your way of charging up, and spiritually preparing for contests?

Thanks to bigDuck for inspiration :3

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4 года назад, # |
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As a specialist, praying to gods is my only hope

4 года назад, # |
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I listen to dragonforce:)

4 года назад, # |
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Sacrificing limbs to the gods, of course.

4 года назад, # |
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i am still newbie in olympiads but ussually i listen to depressing music and dont sleep for whole night

4 года назад, # |
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3-4 beers and you should be alright.

4 года назад, # |
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Running 5km

4 года назад, # |
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Writing dumb posts in which I ask other coders about their olympiad rituals

4 года назад, # |
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In Iran, we have 6 contest in 6 consecutive days and imagine that you have these conditions for 6 days, along with all the ups and downs that it has. One day you may be very bad, one good day, only in my opinion you should strengthen your spirit. And hope in yourself, this is what causes the best things to happen to you in the worst possible circumstances, as someone who at first disappointed, but then came to believe this, but it was a little late, I say you just have to believe yourself and strengthen it because in contest it more harder than before it.

4 года назад, # |
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Just sit at the computer and pretend to be overly relaxed. Probably play some game that is installed on the contest PC like Minesweeper or Mahjong (CB::Snake/Tetris is the last resort!)

4 года назад, # |
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Type cin>>t and while(t--)

4 года назад, # |
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