AT this problem (short statment below)
after three days of coding to avoid runtime error I get TLE on a binary search solution can someone explain what is wrong with my solution
the short statement : You are given set of points (x,y) find point on (y = 0) which all point can go to this point in minimum time and all have the same speed which is one meter per second
my code : (the code has comments :)
I haven't really look at the code yet, but when I run the sample test case on my laptop it gets WA in 46ms
Here's what it printed:
Hope this helps.
I have submitted that code and I passed from the samples and got TLE on second test case the errors here are less than 10 ^ -5 that's why it passed
Generate a big random test and use it to measure the improvements of your code.
Here are some promising directions: