Hello there, regarding the problem 58A Chat room (link: https://codeforces.me/problemset/problem/58/A) Test case 5 is "helhcludoo" which is giving me WA and it's wrong according to the problem statement.
My code:-
String s = sc.next(); String regex = ".*(h+)(e+)(l+)(l+)(o+).*"; System.out.println(s.matches(regex)?"YES":"NO");
Am I doing something wrong?
The problem wants you to check if the given string contains the subsequence $$$hello$$$. Your regex expression does something different.
My regex may be wrong but in the test case ""helhcludoo" has the answer as "YES" but I don't see "hello" in there.
I've underlined it: $$$\underline{hel}hc\underline{l}ud\underline{o}o$$$