Topcoder SRM 791 is scheduled to start at 12:00 UTC-4 on October 17, 2020.
Registration is now open for the SRM in the Arena or Applet and closes at 11:55 UTC-4.The coding phase will start at 12:05 UTC-4, so make sure that you are all ready to go. Click here to what time it starts in your area.
Thanks to laoriu for writing the problem set. Also thanks to misof for testing and coordinating the round.
Choose Your Competition Arena
There are two ways to compete in Algorithm Competitions or Single Round Matches (SRMs). Read here to find which works best for you.
Some Important Links
Match Results | (To access match results, rating changes, challenges, failure test cases) |
Problem Archive | (Top access previous problems with their categories and success rates) |
Problem Writing | (To access everything related to problem writing at Topcoder) |
Algorithm Rankings | (To access Algorithm Rankings) |
Editorials | (To access recent Editorials) |
Learn more about problem writing and testing opportunities.
Best of luck!
- the Topcoder Team
It's very good to see a new writer in TopCoder SRM. Good luck laoriu for the contest!
Thank you! Hope I''ll hear some good feedback after the contest ended.
Have you guys any plan to update the topcoder applet? As we are heading for 2021, it's too boring to use that...and when I use topcoder arena, I feel like I'm using 2G internet. It's too much slow to load.
It would be great if you guys upgrade the platform first and then arrange a contest.
I mean, TopCoder arena sucks of course, but "too boring"? Do you only like websites with fancy UIs?
Actually, I think competing on TopCoder is very interesting! You never know what will break this time.
Topcoder will die very soon.
Just look at the numbers of upvotes this blog is getting. Also the number of participants are decreasing. All because of shit interface.
Looks matters.
nice div 1 500. Can anyone please explain their solution.
Dp with $$$3^n$$$ states. In a state you keep for each vertex information whether it was already processed, and if it was, whether it already got correctly computed distance at the time it was processed.
Wow this idea is very new to me.. Thanks:)
I am actually happy that I participated, I found 500 and 1000 really nice
What a Div2 Easy problem...
I would love to solve it by dfs or bfs instead of math trick.
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