hi_cf's blog

By hi_cf, 12 years ago, In English

Can anyone suggest a solution for question below ?

Mastermind is a game of two players. In the beginning, first player decides a secret key, which is a sequence (s1,s2,...sk) where 0 < si <= n, Then second player makes guesses in rounds, where each guess is of form (g1,g2, ...gk), and after each guess first player calculates the score for the guess. Score for a guess is equal to number of i's for which we have gi = si.

For example if the secret key is (4,2,5,3,1) and the guess is (1,2,3,7,1),then the score is 2, because g2 = s2 and g5 = s5.

Given a sequence of guesses, and scores for each guess, your program must decide if there exists at least one secret key that generates those exact scores.


First line of input contains a single integer C (1 <=C <= 100). C test-cases follow. First line of each test-case contains three integers n,k and q. (1 <=n,k <=11, 1<=q<=8 ). Next q lines contain the guesses.

Each guess consists of k integers gi,1, gi,2,....gi,k separated by a single space, followed by the score for the guessbi (1 <= gi,j <=n for all 1 <=i <=q, 1 <=j <=k; and 0 <= bi <=k )

Output For each test-case, output "Yes" (without quotes), if there exists at least a secret key which generates those exact scores, otherwise output "No".

Sample Input 2
4 4 2
2 1 2 2 0
2 2 1 1 1
4 4 2
1 2 3 4 4
4 3 2 1 1

Sample Output Yes

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