Ferrarixxx's blog

By Ferrarixxx, history, 5 years ago, In English

Hi, Thanks for opening this Link :)

Heres the Problem Link: Problem D Link
My Submission Link: Please Click Me

I have Commented my logic which is same as that of editorial Very simple

Thanks For Reading

Hoping for a Prompt Reply.

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5 years ago, # |
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in your dfs when you write x * (n — x) % mod , this is wrong becuase you want the maximum of them and if x * (n — x) == mod -> you set it as 0, which could be the maximum. just remove the % mod in your dfs and catch overflow when you want to add to your final answer

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    5 years ago, # ^ |
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    and there is no need to use map for edges value. you can represent each edge as the number of the lower node in the dfs(because each node has a unique parent)