I don't know why I am getting this verdict out upon this solution. Can anyone please clarify? The checker log says "MODEL SOLUTION RETURNS WITH VERDICT OK AND EXIT CODE 3"
Thanks a lot in advance!
I haven't found any bug in your code. I have tried to run my own code just in case. It seems like somehow, generator/checker/validator broke(I think generator is the one which broke). This is caused due to a polygon update and the author set updates to true. He might be using for example a deprecated function or maybe it is codeforces issue I am not sure though. I even put an empty code and got denial of judge.
Edit: Another reason is that the author of the problem might be trolling and made that bug xD. But I don't think so.
Try to submit it again.
I have already submitted it 5 times
its probably a bug... 1.5 years ago the problem worked (it even seems to have worked until yesterday)...